Who wore it better? Ini Edo vs Juliana Hough | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 18 May 2012

Who wore it better? Ini Edo vs Juliana Hough

Ini Edo and American dancer and Ryan Seacrest's girlfriend, Julianne Hough, in cut out bust dress. Who wore it better?


  1. I give it to Julianne mehn she wore it better than Ini.

  2. Ini has trimmed down ooo, well they both look lovely. I can't pick. But Linda I think this dress would fit U̶̲̥̅̊ oh!

  3. This na setup. You must not like Ini Edoh

  4. They both luk gud but I prefer julianne black dress


    1. Wetin una wan prefer b4,naija,una no go ever appreciate una own,go gurl ini look gr8,nd wore it better...fuck all haters

  5. Ini babby!!! Wow! She slimmed down though! Julian looks great too but curves win everytime

  6. julianna wore it better. it suits her more.
    Somebody go soon comment say make she go give her husband food chop instead of posing to contest for who wore it better.

  7. Ini Edo rocked it better. I love d way she combined d dark blue gown with d pink tiptoe shoe. It makes her d style interesting nd adorable. D hair do also suited d outfit. Ryan combination isn't interesting to me.

    1. Its peep- toe darling not tip-toe ;) ...

  8. Ini edo.she looks radiant

  9. Offshoreoffshoree18 May 2012 at 19:25

    Yes ini edo has an ensuring figure for the dress,she made it work too with her smile and the way she posed.
    Let me ask ,why go to red carpet and have face towel,purse anf magazine posing for photographer.
    Why wear such a beautiful short black dress with pink shoes ,who advisof you to?

    Julianne did a good job too for appearing simple and didn't act too much to pose for the picture.
    Her shoes worked better and her bag is OMG beautiful.

    I will score ini edo 80% for the fitting of the dress and 30% for her shoes while

    Julianne gets 50% for the fitting of the dress and 80% for her shoes.

    In all I give it to julienne No sentiment afterall I am a Nigerian in Texas and a professional fashion stylist . For more info contact me

  10. I give it to Julianne cause she really matched it well better than Ini,Ini did match it well though but she look a bit on the brighter side while Julianne looks very cool and smater

  11. The pink shoes on Ini didn't complete the outfit perfectly, so Juliana gets a thumbs up from me for a matching shoes to the dress.

  12. Ini edo naa....u people don't lie oo

  13. I'm not a fan of Ini,but she rocked it mehn,loves d dress-Palo

  14. I hav to give it to jules. She didn't even have to TRY. Ini, maybe its the pose but me finks she does try too TOO much

  15. Julienne is classier! Wats wt d pale pink shoes ini is wearn?

  16. Its better on julianne

  17. Who wore it best?


    Who wore it best?


    Please, don't publish my comment or I'll have you arrested and jailed. I mean it. Now, change your grammar. lol

  18. Juliana all d way jor, she no look like some mgbeke

  19. It was almost goin to be a tie but then i love how julianna's hair covered d bust.. a lil more class. so i'll give it to juliana

  20. Juliana wore it beta maybe bcos shes white n d dress is black so it came out soooo well den d shoes and purse too. Ini looks good too buh juliana did a beta job.

  21. Ini rock,luking slim nw

  22. Juliana all d way

  23. It was julianne u don't pair cut outs with peep toes duh.julianne's shoes and overall combination is d winner.

  24. All I can see is uche jombo kneels @ the back of ini

  25. Both look good! But Julianne has better accessories..not getting Ini's multicoloured parade :-)

  26. I am usually no fan of Ini Edo and certainly don't see her as a good dresser but on this occasion I would say she wore the dress better!

  27. abeg,how dem wan wear am again? any style remain?

  28. No doubt///ini wore it beter

  29. Ini has lost so much weight and she looks good..WOW..anyway she looks good..they both does it well

  30. No need to look twice totally goes to Jullie nwa,lol

  31. juliana all d way.u rocked it far better dan ini

  32. I would be entirely feature-centric in my assessment. If what you care about feminine features (e.g., hips and boobs) then Ini rocked the dress better! If you care about mundane aesthetics (e.g., color contraction, posture, etc.) then I'll give it to Julianne. Caveat: features isn't all there is to dressing ;-)

  33. omg, Ini hardly gets it right! But, I've got to admit: she looks stunning!

  34. Juliana cos she wore it effortlessly,Ini luk gud tho!!!!

  35. Ini Edo, the color looks nice on her and her shoes fits it well.

  36. nigerians can really dub what american artists wear...just to belong...we can never be innovative on our own!!!

  37. All I have to say is Mrs Ehiagwina,isn't it time 2 get preggers !!!

  38. Another old pic when ini was slimmer. Funny how all the actresses who lost weight last year are beginning to pile the pounds back on, I.e monalisa chinda, uche jumbo, rukky sanda, ini edo, even genny nnaji.

  39. I'm a man so i dont really know about ladies fashion. Dont even know why i clicked on this story but i'm just kinda intrigued. People blame Linda for wearing 'matchy matchy' outfits in her previous posts but here are still complaining about how Ini's shoes doesn't match her dress. So which one is which really? And doesn't the famous color blocking everyone is always talkin about apply here? #just curious

  40. This is the first time I've seen a piece of clothing look good on Ini Edo.

  41. @Realtruthhurts,exactly my thought. pple are so insatiable. dey both look good buh i'l go wiv Ini.

  42. Ini wore it better with the pink shoe perfectly, julia also look good

  43. Ini baby go and learn how to carry handbag on redcarpet...Ryan's GF wore it better all in all

  44. Linda this is how to dress and not your matchy matchy nonsense. They both looked good.

  45. Real truth hurts. Thank you. I'm not a fan of matching so i like how Ini mismatched it all. Way to go.

  46. daerego lawson19 May 2012 at 17:48

    thick girls rule!!!ini ur d bomb

  47. It's Juliana na.. You don't need glasses to see that

  48. Ini Edo color roit, Black on pink...lol

  49. Ini Edo, ofcourse. Chocolate skin looks good anyday with varieties.

  50. ini coz color is better her knees dnt look bony like julianne ini,s skin tone really blends well with the dress too

  51. ini definately coz color always rocks,juliannes knees look too bony ini,s skin tone is gorgeous and the one with the mostest curves takes the cup-ini lol

  52. ini coz color is better her knees dnt look bony like julianne ini,s skin tone really blends well with the dress too

  53. Ini Edo looks better in the dress. I don't know who is finer otherwise, but Ini Edo looks nicer here.

  54. These are obviously not the same dress

  55. I wonder why people dont just appreciate anythin on Ini....she did well here and looked better! am sure if it were Genevieve dat wore it just as Ini did.....u go see comments of i love d combo. its not about personalty peeps..appreciate whoever deserves it. Shikena

  56. on Ini its cute but on Julianne its just another normal wear.


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