D'banj's Oliver Twist gets to No.9 on iTunes top 100 in the UK | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 14 May 2012

D'banj's Oliver Twist gets to No.9 on iTunes top 100 in the UK

That's huge, right?


  1. Oshe!! I love dbanj!

    1. Bloody lie ....u guys shud chesk itunes .......liar liar dbanj .mshew

  2. Waoh! Dats really hugh. Guess he is doin well for himself afterall.keep it up

  3. Linda whr re u oooo.hrd funke akindele is getting married as second wife to one alhaji kenny. Pls give us d gist ASAP. No carry last for this one o

    1. What?! 2nd wife? This cant be true. Infact it mustn't be true ni

  4. Yea that's huge.

  5. Lewis d GREAT!14 May 2012 at 21:27

    Yeah! We're making history! Haters hug live BH bomb!

  6. No, it's not No. 9 on Top 100. Go to iTunes and check. No 9 is currently Starships - Nicki Minaj. Unless I'm seeing double...

    1. What is it with you haters, whenever u hear something good about him u get so angry and uncomfortable. Abeg go siddon and pray for ur own blessing.

    2. Do u guys read, or just post stuff..... It says u.k chat dummy, not d usa... Nd yes, just checked d u.k chat and he his nos 9.

  7. yeah, dat's what am talkin about, dis is a huge achievement 4 dbanj ooooooo, now famously known round the world.

  8. WOW!! that's great. D'banj doing us proud. I love the guy!!

  9. http://www.apple.com/itunes/charts/songs/

    Oliver twist no dey there o! Pls confirm

  10. Comgrats to him ooooo, but he should watch out

  11. wow! that's great keep it up d banj!i am sure don jazzy and co would be sucking their thumbs sore as they simply couldn't dream bigger than this country of ours!keep leading the way men!

  12. I dnt trust ds d'banj again sha...

  13. Yea its huge,congratulations to him.

  14. Yup, it is. The magic of Don Jazzy!!!!! Let's see where dbanj goes from here now that the favor of don j is no longer with him.

  15. wow that's great!keep up the good work i am sure don jazzy and co would be sucking their thumbs sore because they could dream bigger than this country of ours!keep making history bro!

  16. abeg...nobody shld annoy me ohh!which one is magic of Don Jazzy??mscheww....
    TO confirm guys its on iTunes top 100 UK.
    A huge congrats to D'banj.....greater heights to attain

  17. MAVIN where una dey with that autotune album una release...hahahaa


    1. This Kswitch ur just an immature idiot of the highest order! Like brother, like brother *smh*

    2. Grow up dude! Stop this rubbish!

    3. K_switch, why dragging Mavin into this? Its childish

    4. Like seriously u r just a DUMB ASS!!...who knws u exist fool go siddon mumu...congrats dbanj..Men r talkin dis k little rat is makin a sound too...ODE

    5. Like seriously u r just a DUMB ASS!!...who knws u exist fool go siddon mumu...congrats dbanj..Men r talkin dis k little rat is makin a sound too...ODE

    6. Lmao. It's not kswitch now guys. Someone is playing pranks. But watevet, I still dont respect dbanj until he releases a new song. He should get over Oliver twist n get a new song without don jazzy lets see wat he can do. Sick and tired of Oliver twist. Oh and don't forget donJ produced it dats y it's still a hit. Buahahahaha. Loser!

    7. Mumu ppple, das no kswitch joor

  18. Me i did not see any olivier o

  19. Ifi say dbanj's oliver is not number 9 on itunes is it hating? cos i dont see dbanj o it's drive by train dat is number 9.

  20. He's there on the UK chart! Thumbs up guy!

  21. It's on uk chart not the us one....his song is no 9

  22. Naija with their false advertisement! Some people are complaining that they don't see D'banj on the list! I went to check it myself and he is not there either! Please before you congratulate him show me the proof! Thanks.

  23. Haters beware as this is just the beginning for ma home boy

  24. D'banj and co...liar liar pants on freaking fire! As in I had to go on itunes myself in anticipation of seeing ur name there. Guess what? Oliver Twist aint anywhere from 1-100. Next time abeg take sofri sofri lie.

  25. Its true dat its No.9 itune top 100 UK chart so hater go comfirm b4 u start running ur stinking mouth

  26. K-Switch please grow the fuck up! Dts if its really u. Stop being an ass wipe!

    1. Abi o, e fit be one oshofri attention seeker sef. Msheeeew idiot koromiwe.

  27. Yay! It's actually number 9 on iTunes UK top downloads. Congrats D'banj!!!
    Don't check iTunes worlwide. Just check iTunes UK.

    Use this link to view it:


  28. Congrats @ D banj we are in support of u

  29. There is no oliver twist there o...hmmmm

  30. This K switch sef, if true true na u, u be mugu. Whish one be ur own wt mavin records wey u no go kip ur rotten mouth shut? Park well joor, fulele.

    As for u, Mr Endowed, big congrats. More length to ur kin I. Oshe!

  31. Hmmm....Linda! Pls google the two blogs that rumored that dbanj was shot and killed today on his way back from kanye's house.....how can people be so evil to think up such as a joke? Jeez!

    1. Na wah o. What kind of sick people run those blogs sef? I almost believed it o.

  32. This K switch sef, if true true na u, u be mugu. Whish one be ur own wt mavin records wey u no go kip ur rotten mouth shut? Park well joor, fulele.

    As for u, Mr Endowed, big congrats. More length to ur kini. Oshe!

  33. The song was produced by jazzy now. haba. r some ppl in denial or what. when dbanj releases an album sans mohits n it goes intl.. then we can talk. as for dis one, all d glory belongs to don jazzy. dbanj himself knows that!

  34. Guys I have found it! Actually he is nos 9 on iTunes uk top 100!! Well done

  35. Naija peeps and bad belle.
    Now because they said itunes they said his name no dey there.Implying he is lying?Forgetting dat lies are easily checked out in dis internet age.
    Why u no check Uk itunes?I no blame dem.Bad belle close their eye.As if he can't be sumtin witout Don Jazzy.
    Dis is one of d links snkhan.co.uk/stuff/iTunes-m.php
    and for your info he beat Justin Bieber,Nicki Minaj,Chris Brown etc.

    1. Mugu...Don Jazzy is still d 1 who produced Oliver Twist and d remix o. Get ur facts right. And no1 said he can't be sum tin w/out Don Jazzy. Congrats to Dbanj, more grease to his elbow.

  36. This is a pathetic attempt to remain relevant. Oliver twist is not even in top 100 in litusienskiazi(wherever that is). People esp. nigerians must learn to google stuff so as not to be decieved by attention seekers. This is a shame on 'D j'

  37. D'banj can lie...it's on top chart for album but it's 20somerthing on dt list....

  38. Shame to bad people.How wil he be on apple.com when he never released in d U.S.A.of course its gonna be UK I tunes.Anybody who follows him on twitter or at d very least read Lindas post would realise that.
    Kudos to believers like me who didn't have to do doubting thomas and verify before being happy.
    Chai Nigerians.U pple don't know what a milestone dis is for us.No other Nigerian born and bred has achieved dis I tunes thingy.And no am not talking of Asa or Nneka who cater to an international audience.

  39. it is time we appreciate what we have as a Nigerians. congratulations to you D'banj. i went to iTunes 100 UK and guess what? Oliver twist is NO 9!!!!!!!!!

  40. Gosh you guys please please stop being such bitter bad belles. It is very sad the state naija is now. The average naija is full of hate and bile. They are not happy for anyone doing better than they are. It is truly awful. Congrats Dbanj. Don Jazzy is not a god. he is good at what he does but it does not mean anyone who chooses to stop working with him will not or cannot make it. Oliver twist has only gone viral in the U.K, therefore we expect to only see it on the U.K charts at this time. Gosh i shake my head for you bitter miserable haters

  41. Number 9 is BIG Linda. How can you ask that? congrats dbabj now can you please give us something else/new?

  42. Sigh. Linda said d song is no.9 on iTunes chart of the UK. And IT IS TRUE. check out the following sites as proof: http://www.doipod.com/itunes-chart/top-100-itunes-songs-uk.html
    Congrats to dbanj. Hope he doesn't forget to give God the glory.

  43. Congrats D'Banj? Y'all can't be that stupid. That song has a wicked beat and silly lyrics. And who did the beat.......ITS DON JAZZY AGAIN.

  44. I dunno, but there's sth about dbanj's face that reeks of low self esteem; no matter how well he dresses. Its just there like a haunting shadow. I know some cow pricks will abuse me now.

  45. u and who is making history??

  46. Kswitch or kswitch off sut up finish wipin kanyez shoez n'ivy blue'z shit first then u open that thing u call a mouth. Short boi

  47. LOL people are desperately trying to cause a rift btw dbanj and donjazzy. Like d anons insulting kswitch are u dat dumb? Can't u reason? How sure are u that he made that comment? Pscheww.

  48. http://snkhan.co.uk/stuff/iTunes.php

  49. Guys dont hate he is doing well, he beat the likes of justin bieber,jessie j and nicki minaj on the charts,check itunes UK.You might hate but God's blessings upon him.

  50. IS A LIE DBANJ.....

  51. Nobody specified it is on UK iTunes!!!! Nigerians don't have bad bele! The problem is we are used to being lied to and deceived by many people! There is the worldwide iTunes and there's UK iTunes! If you don't say UK iTunes, the first place people will check is the general worldwide iTunes ok? Don't blame us for liking to check the facts first!

  52. Going through the comments on this blog and I can't say hw disappointed I am at most of the people here. Why the hell would a celebrity like D'banj who might I add is now more internationally known now and even more closely monitored by the press, now try to ridicule himself by lying on the world's biggest platform "Twitter"? A place where you will be immediately called out and cussed out for false information. Why would he discredit himself if he's not entirely sure? One nonsensical person called him a liar and said he was "trying to remain relevant" and I wondered to myself hw the sperm that made that person manage to beat a million others. It's so ridiculous! And to all those who are cussing K Switch bcos of a comment on here where the person 'claimed' to be k switch, *facepalm* to all of u. Your foolishness hurts to contemplate.

  53. ok now i know a lot of naijas are extremrly foolish, gullible and dumb...that was not kswitch but a dick head friend of mine who thot he was being funny and you are all here cursing k switch out

  54. But Oliver Twist and its remix were produced by Don Jazzy now........ true test will be his first song under good music.

  55. you re one devilish person,and u re d loser her

  56. I-L-L-U-M-I-N-A-T-I !!!!!!!!!! Linda post my comment o!!!

  57. Lets wait and see what happens after Oliver Twist.Only then can we say "hes doing better alone" not forgetting it was Don BABA J that produced Oliver twist!!!

  58. It's there http://www.doipod.com/itunes-chart/top-100-itunes-songs-uk.html

  59. Smh wif all ya fake comments, most especially anon4:4 well to me the d banj still sounds like pinky without brain(don jazzy) he is just loosing the confidence, he is so timid nowadayz. #abeg pass the mic, him go soon fade away like smoke. By then he would realize his mistakes. I wish him well tho

  60. Before nko,this is one of the rewards of becoming an Illuminati memeber. He has sold his soul to a demon called Baphomet. I wonder who he will use for blood sacrifice to keep his fame up...

    1. He will use k switch...watch and see. And they'll try to blame it on don jazzy like they did with j Hudson's inlaw; William Balfour.

  61. PLEASE! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! LINDA always make sure you do your research before posting this reports, form whay you posted it will seem that OLIVER TWIST was among top 100 iTune songs, WROOOOOOONG!!! The song is No.9 on the top 100 iTune songs in the UK. Please lets get it right. DEM DEY SING SONGS FOR UK?

  62. This is ILUMINATI at work. D'banj has sold his soul to the demon called Baphomet. I just wonder who he will use for blood sacrifice to keep his fame going. I pity him....

  63. dbanj will use k switch for blood sacrifice to keep his fame aafterall he's not useful to him

  64. must everything be a dbanj vs don jazzy.

    They are both doing well individually. mschewwww

    Congrats Dbanj. the sky is your limit

    and for those that think Kswitch actually posted here with his name!!!!arghhhhhh i guess common sense is far from common!

  65. Congratulations to Don Jazzy! It's the beat that makes that song, the lyrics are rubbish and few people outside of Africa will understand their relevance. Beat is not easily forgotten though.

  66. Linda, your blog is good, but before it gets to the "classy" level, you need to be researching. You didn't even specify what country's iTunes it is.

  67. Ur disdain 4d brother ain gonna change d numbers....men lie women lie numbers dont

  68. My naija people.I hail una Oh.
    Why do people forget dat talent without vision is nothing.Whether u like it or not Dbanj dreamt big while Don J was content with reigning in Nigeria.All the mgbekes shouting that Don J produced d beat,go release all d songs he produced their beat in UK and see who will buy it.D banj had the vision,and he worked towards it that's why he is reaping d benefits now.Is he d most talented or d best singer in Naija?Isn't tuface supposed to be our main naija export?But he failed to dream big.
    Dreams are what makes stars.Not beats.If kanye hadn't been impressed wit Dbanj d person,he would have signed Don Jazzy not Dbanj.

  69. for d blood sacrifice im sure he will use wandecoal becos of his fat body baphomet will really apreciate it

  70. Dbanj should release another song by good music and see where e go reach na.

    Olive twist na still Don J's work so congrats to Don J.

  71. D Banj u hav sold ur soul ba? I pirrrrrrrrrrrrrrry U? Jst rmba dat wen in der's no way out, see wat happend to d likes of M.Jackson. Evrytin in dis wrld is vanity. Anybody dat insults me shld xpect an invisible slap 'tongue out'

  72. Don Jazzy produced, D'Banj is the artiste. Now tell me, who does everyone talk about as the person who made the music? Abeg people, no be say if 2 people no do business together again, no mean say they can't each do well on their own. Infact, we are taking this too far. DJ has now got Mavin Records and artistes. Let's watch and see how they fare. Wishing them all the luck. Truth is whether we like it or not, DBanj has reached a different height. Stop being nasty and full of hate for someone who is striving to do better. He has done well, he's a Nigerian; so congratulate him and wish him well. At the end of the day, we are all trying to make a living, so let him do it the way he thinks he should. Haters, wait till your man is recognised worldwide and then we can talk about it. DBanj, congrats.

  73. People are not logical sometimes. All the people hailing Don jazzy, is Oliver Twist the only beats he did?

    why didn't any of the other mo hits crew enter top 100 since na jazzy beats.

    Please, Dbanj is equally talented.

  74. what do u mean all d glory goes to Don Jazzy??...is it Don Jazzy's song? when Beyonce sings a song that is number 1...do u think she produced it herself or even wrote it? ofcus not! and u dont hear anything about the producer! It is the artist vocals and song! if Don Jazzy wanted credit for the song he would have gone 2 sing it himself nw! Am sure Don Jazzy got well paid for making the beat and is getting royalties but that is as far as it goes!

  75. I like the two of them but, group are not made to be together forever or a producer and an artist. Even if they were born of the same parents, they can still split at anytime. Man does not give man favour but God, look at boys 2 men , New Edition, Destiny Child and our very own Plantation Boys etc. Why are there so many noise, insult and condemnation in Dbanj (my sweet pie) and Don Jazzy's separation? Even if they swore an oath to stick together, they can still undo it, even couples still divorce. Pls haters of gud things let peace reign and pls be still.

  76. I like the two of them but, group are not made to be together forever or a producer and an artist. Even if they were born of the same parents, they can still split at anytime. Man does not give man favour but God, look at boys 2 men , New Edition, Destiny Child and our very own Plantation Boys etc. Why are there so many noise, insult and condemnation in Dbanj (my sweet pie) and Don Jazzy's separation? Even if they swore an oath to stick together, they can still undo it, even couples still divorce. Pls haters of gud things let peace reign and pls be still.

  77. Chop my money by p-square is no 3 on uk world songs

  78. oliver twist is actually number 9 on itunes uk top 100 song downloads,very confrmed.am glad he's doin wel 4 himself.and may i add dat d public sentiments on whateva happened between dbanj n jazzy is full of crap,only few people knw d truth yet evrybdy says nonsense based on their twisted judgments. let dem be,abeg

  79. Linda, did Rita Ora copy Nigeria's Nneka's song in RIP. A section of the song was 100% what Nneka sang some time ago.

    Did both of them copy another artiste? Who copied who? It is the RRRRRIIIIPPPP section, sung once in Rita Ora's song.

    1. Rita Ora acquired the Rights to use Nneka's hook just the same was other artistes sample other peoples songs. So yes, Nneka is getting paid royalties for Rita to use her hook. Simples!

  80. This only took 2 mins....

    ITunes(UK) Download =YES

    UK TOP 40=NO

  81. wow RIP on no 1, Likes Rita Ora's lips. She looks Igbo.

  82. who made the beat? JAZZY did...before we can say if he made the right choice or not, kanye should give him a beat and lets see how far it goes


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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