Please help save Oke's legs and life | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 17 March 2012

Please help save Oke's legs and life

His name is Okeoghene John Igwhiwotho, an ex-student of Federal Government College. He's a diabetic mellitus type 1 and 2 patient and has been bedridden for the past six years, after losing all the toes on both feet, due to injuries he sustained many years ago. Sadly, this has prevented him from completing his university education (he dropped out from OAU). At the moment, his life is at stake and he is in need of surgery urgently.

He was supposed to have the surgery in January 2012, but he has not been able to, because of his inability to raise funds. Oke needs 5million Naira for treatment in India...and needs your help. He can be reached through the phone number, 08063255842. Banke details - Ighiwoto Okeoghene John (0012913007 - GTB). Ighiwoto Okeoghene John (2054468076 - UBA).

Continue to see what happened to his feet. Warning: Graphic content...



  1. Am a Nurse never seen a Diabetic gangerous legs like these!

    1. Being in the medical profession has given me the insight of the magnitude of pain Oke is going through...and on the other hand,not being pessimistic of possible treatment but not cure.Its really hard to accept this procedure for a really young guy like Oke but to my own opinion owing to the ischemic looking nature of his two legs,a BKA is the best---A living dog is better than a dead lion.

  2. Oh GOD help him.This one is too much oooh.All these rich people should help him oohhh.

    1. Dr uduaghan pls help save this soul.

    2. U can help him in anyway u can. Stop waiting for rich pple

  3. Oh no I dnt luk at dis*crying* yinka

  4. DELTA STATE GOVT PLS COME TO HIS AIDE HE IS ONE OF YOUR OWN ,5million is chicken change for you

  5. DELTA STATE GOVT PLS COME TO HIS AIDE HE IS ONE OF YOUR OWN ,5million is chicken change for you

    1. Yes O I agree. That man dishes out millions as tips. I'm a witness to that. So Oga this is for a worthy cause kindly show yourself.

    2. Bro. Augustine Nwisu17 March 2012 at 21:28

      I plead the blood of Jesus on his behalf.
      God of Chosen is great and a miracle worker.

    3. Yes, please, abeg, biko, fathers of our Land, Delta state, ,Nigeria, save this talented and blessed son.That amount is too small. Lord help you brother. I can't believe this.

  6. The government of his state and the federal government should help any citizen that suffers from ailments as bad as this.

    He should send his photographs, name and address to Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, Minister of Health, Mr and Mrs Jonathan and the National Assembly if he does not want to die.

    He needs help ASAP. He is already disabled and must be in deep pain. This is too bad but may god punish all the thieves that are stealing the money meant for the masses.

  7. please tell him to go to the synagogue church of all nation,tb joshua will heal him.

    1. Last time I chhecked my bible, twas God who heals not TB Joshua.... Y'all should get a life and stop worshipping men of God and disregarding God himself!

    2. I agree with u.... Was just about to say the same thing

    3. I agree wif u... I was just about to say d same thing...... Tb Joshua probably uses a method of give and take..... For divine healing talk to God

  8. Oh God!Oh God!! Someone please help this guy asap..where are all our thiefing leaders?one of them should bring out that 5milla asap!The Lord is your strength Oke.

  9. oh my God...someone pls help, i wish i can at the moment.sorry dear

  10. Gosh. This is horrible. And he's so handsome. Please Oke, apply to ur state government. Please. This is so bad. Delta state government please help o. God this is is horrible. :'(

  11. ,į̸̸̨ believe well meaning Nigerians and the entire public should take this issue as if it Wα̲̅s their relation suffering from this ailment...God Ȋ̝̊̅§ with ў☺ΰ OKE , and we ‎​Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ doing our very best τ̅o ensure ў☺ΰ receive the required treatment...just ßε̲̣̣̣̥ strong.

  12. Linda, I cannot thank you enough for this post. Oke is my friend and we (ex-classmate FGCWarri 2000set) have being running from pillar to post trying to raise N5million for his surgery. Pls, to all Nigerians this is not a scam and its real. You can make your contributions to any of Oke's account details below:
    Ighiwoto Okeoghene John (0012913007 - GTB)
    Ighiwoto Okeoghene John (2054468076 - UBA).
    God bless you as you make your contributions or say a prayer for Oke.

  13. There are many rich naija people who can dole out this cash with have an itch...God please touch someone's heart to save your son.
    Linda, use your clout to appeal to well meaning naija people you know to do sth...Linda!

  14. This is sooooo horrible....

  15. Oh my goodness, Lord please help this man. People stop making comments like "the rich/government should pay for it," and then move on with your lives.

    Let us all come together rich/poor and contribute. Every little bit counts.

  16. I hate to see these appeals. Why doesn't Nigeria have a health care system that takes care of its citizens. So sad! John's best bet now is his state government. Federal is too far fetched.

    But, he can try God's healing touch. Winner's Chapel. Christ Embassy. These are proven ministries.

  17. I just spoke to the guy. He talks camly,laughs full of hope. I admire his courage. For those calling on the rich and govt to come to his rescue, a # 1000 makes up a million. The little offer u can contribute which is btwn u and God really matters. We dnt need to hve millions to save his life. God bless.

  18. Oya all of u claiming to earn millions !! When d post about marrying a husband who earns less!was put up Oya ooo donate !! Fast fast!! I'm donating my own 10k evrylittle helps

  19. wat about the federal governmet?cant dey fund the money for boy instead of lavishing money on unnecessary material things,May God save him and help him oooo.

  20. I just broke down in tears. Dear Lord, pls raise men who will help Oke speedily.

    Nothing is too small, please let's help this young man.

  21. You cannot have Type 1 and Type 2.. its either one or the other Linda..

    1. Thk u very much for dis comment!u either hav one or d other linda biko.dere r Drs nd healthcare professionals who read dis blog too u knw!

  22. The fed govt can't save erbody pls let's hlp Oke wif cash n prayers.......nuffn is too small

  23. Diabetes is a very wicked disease. This has been caused by a blockage to the nerve endings and blood supply to the foot. Let us be prayerful and prevent diabetes by avoiding excess sugar

  24. God is ur strength.......ur little contributioon can go a very long way!!!!!! Stop calling on the government!!!!!

  25. Jezzzzz dis ȋ̝̊̅§ terrible,*sobbing*. Som1 pls take him to scoan asap, prophet TB Joshua wil heal him

  26. All I can say is God God and God.

  27. I have not been myself since I saw this pics... As for me and my household we will give what we have.. Peeps pls give as well coz little drop of water makes a mighty ocean...

  28. Please let's do our bst 2 hlp Mr Oke, a thousand naira or mor 4rm evry blogger can go a long way 2 hlp Mr Oke, let's stp callin on d govt bcz d govt is u nd I nd if we kip waitin on d supposed govt Mr Oke nd many odas in such conditions wil loose dia lives. Let's nt jst stp @t contributin bt we must also wid joy effortly committ Mr Oke in our prayers, u can hlp financially or spiritually. Savin Mr Oke wil b savin a generation nd who knows his future myt be an LIB blogger "smiley", pls let's join hands 2geda 2 save one of our very own bcz w re d future nd w re al part of it.

  29. Ejiro,God bless u for ur help,ur efforts wount b in vain IJN,amen.
    For u Oke,d lord is ur strength,we will do all we can to ur dream a reality IJN,amen.
    My people this is not a scam,this is real,I attened Fed Govt Coll Warri,delta state,wit oke,we finished in 2000 june.
    Pls help save his life,nottin is too small,God bless u all as u donate.
    He really needs the surgery ASAP

  30. Uuahgan should help this young man, even if he raises the money, his legs will be amputated and of what use is this guy without his legs? The diabetes will not be totally cured in Indian but treated, he should just pray for death to come.

    1. Chamberlain or what ever you call yourself,u should be thrown into the lake of fire for dis outrageous comment. May ur family member face dis kind of illness. I which u knew Oke u wouldn't say dat to him I wish I knew u one on one. I wld have....

  31. God will bless u Linda for posting this, we were class mates in FGCW and we have been trying to raise the money but to no avail, we decided we should inform the geeral public.plsss help this man

  32. N10,000 from everyone will make a difference..even N1,000. Get well soon is well.God is with you

    1. All dis one some people are calling men (common mortals) we should turn to God who is the ultimate healer, besides instead of calling on others to helps if everyone who has taken time to drop a reply on this blog should contribute at least #5000, then start praying to God it will go a long way. Or if you have a rich man's number call their attention to it instead of assuming they know and making them look wicked like they don't want to help

  33. There is noting 2 big 4 my God , oke don't worry d God I serve will touch d rich wons & dy will com 2 ur resure. Amen d lord is ur strent.

  34. Hi Guys, its great that everyone is recommending churches, govt & rich people but what have you done to help? please just give what ever you can afford.
    When i spoke to Oke, he sounded so positive and I hope we can all help so see that he gets this operation. He needs money not talk please. if everyone that has made a comment can afford anything and rally round friends, families & church members & pastors, we will get the N5million naira soon. Please, we are all responsible for each other. I Love

  35. Susan's phone can go along way in this mans life,i wish a celebrity can make a possitive imapct on his life or orthers like him, things i will do if i have the money, may God rant him the strength

  36. D govnr of Ondo st shld b notified since he was kind enuf to dash an able bodied person a choice car. M sure he'll rise to d occassion

  37. Oke,you shall not die,but live to declare the Word of the Lord in the land of the living in the mighty name of Jesus.

  38. D greatest healer will visit Oke,nothing is impossible 4 HIM,He will perform wonders in his life.We shall celebrate with him.

  39. Someone should please post this on We have a charity organization on Nairaland where we contribute the little we have to help people who are sick and in need of surgery. If I see this post on nairaland, I will contribute my widow's mite because atleast we have nairalanders that will visit Oke and keep us posted on how he is faring while giving him the money we contributed.


  40. Oke,be strong about is well with your soul and you will regain all about people,every #1000 makes your brothers keeper..

  41. Oke,be strong about is well with your soul and you will regain all about people,every #1000 makes your brothers keeper..

  42. Oh God! i'll do what i can... i pray every little/big contribution will be enough to save this handsome fellow..
    it is well oke!

  43. Oya Mr Sanusi Lamido Sanusi...Tym 4 u to extend ur recently generous hands to dz guy. Its jst 5mil! U gave uniben 500mil cuz dey gave u PhD! Find it in ur hrt to help dis guy...Stay strng bro...Its wel.

  44. Pls evrybody forget d govt. It has bin dat way. We need to help eachother. And rememba to pray for Oke.

  45. I have been in a similar condition myself. But in my case, i was severely poisoned!There was virtually no big hospital around i didn't go without solution. But as soon as i got to the Synagogue Church of all Nations and was able to see Prophet T.B Joshua, my story has since changed. My dear people, my case was worst than Oke's because my heart, chest, kidney, manhood, urinary system, blood etc. were affected. I believe God can use T.B Joshua to do this!

  46. Hi, can you provide details on how we can donate from the UK/US? Thanks.

  47. This is not meant for us to start accusing the govt of stealing money, its quite obvious already. Oke needs our help even if I can only afford to give little I'm definitely not gonna turn a blind eye to a fellow human in such a situation, we don't ve to be politicians or billionaires to give a helping hand. You can only appreciate the light when you've seen darkness...

  48. I give up on this country called Nigeria.

    My God, what a country... Even the animals in the jungle are better off. What hurts me the most is that things don't have to be this way!

    The other day we heard how the DG of SEC spent N850K in one day. Our president's budget for food is N3million a day and yet we have people like this going through hell.

    Nigeria as it is, is a hopeless place!

  49. M mi$$ Nicole I pray dere is ntfyin τ̲̅ȍo difficult 4 god τ̲̅ȍ do.I must partake in dis by giving out sumthing on behaf of my family ​​​⌣˚Ʈ♓ªȠƘ ♧ ƔOƱ˚⌣• jst ve it in mind dat we L♥√ع Ɣ☺ΰ.Her majesty

  50. Wow.... Really sad! May the lord heal him!!

  51. I hope Don Jazzy gets to read this. Pls, since he said he wants to donate all of Mohits proceeds to charity, he should donate to this guy's operation. Biko. *precious*

  52. Am truly broke now but am making a commitment of 5K beleiving God that B4 the week runs out I will pay it in also am going to place this on my FB page and solicite for funds from friends guys we should all do D same LIB READERS can raise 2M if we are willing instead of waiting for long pls Linda keep us updated on dis issue plsssssssss

  53. Oke will be fine by God's grace apart from raising money prayer should be made for he, in our prayer times we should always remember oke. Its well

  54. Just 2 innocent to be suffering from this, God have mercy, You will make it, cos the fighting spirit is all over you..

  55. why should a human suffer like this?

  56. ONOME says...........................
    I am not going to beat around the bush.I am going to say it as it is.
    1.Type 1 and type 2 DM at the same time??Linda???#
    2.It's in cases like this Linda that you need to use your clout and whatever means available to you to make sure the state govt where this guy is from is aware.Waiting for 1000 naira donations will take a while and waste his time.He needs the money in one fell swoop and as a windfall.So contact Uduaghan who coincidenttaly is a dr too or those in house of reps or NASS or the likes of Dangote etc who can provide this money ASAP
    3.I sincerely doubt tht his limbs can be saved;most likely they will be amputated cos of the widespread gangrene and necrosis that has occcured;this is Diabetic foot stage 4;and he will be fitted with prosthesis.This is not the end of his life.He will still live a fulfilled albeit handicapped life
    4.In DM,prevention is ALWAYS best.If you suffer from DM,make sure your sugar level is well controlled.Examine your feet daily,in between your toes etc.Do not wear tight fitting shoes;sandals are better.Any sore/wound on your feet must be reported immediately to your doctor.
    Ok.Enough already about the unsolicited for medical advice.

  57. Dis goes out to everyone that cares, ur quota counts,a few thousands from a few thousand people will make millions in no time. Play ur part, like I wld play mine in jesus name after seeing dis picture cos it really hit a nerve. I wish u well. God bless u.

  58. Am speechless,pls even if its 500 naira,contribute,every penny counts....

  59. I am in the medical field,this is a very severe case of Diabetes,sadly he is going to loos his leg, it is badly infected, unfortunately for us our health care system sucks so bad! this wouldn't be this bad if he had been diagnosed earlier, and given insulin. This could happen to anyone please take good care of yourselves and be active. I pray Oke gets the help that he needs.

  60. Father Lord please save his life, my dear friend God will rescue you. I knew you were ill didn't know it was this bad. Kesiena

  61. God! Please we've got to help him, both d rich and poor. Don't worri u re surely going to survive!!! God is not sleeping!

  62. odufeko babatunde18 March 2012 at 00:17

    Please fellow Nigerians,its time to help,let's leave govt n deir cohorts out of dese else we will wake very soon n hear of the death of this young man,God forbid though.our little drops will make a big ocean for him,i will make mine n pray God in his mercies heal him n for dose who don't have,pls don't stop encouraging him,he needs all the love n care he can get now.

  63. Pls let's help this man,nothing I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ too small,even if it I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ #500 pay it into the account,it will go a long way.

  64. God will save you ooooo broda from anoda mother will keep praying for you

  65. dis is sooo painful am already cryn,,,am a std and i dnt hv enough bt by his grace i wil gv d little i hv letz start frm sumwhere while we wait for his governor

  66. Jesus, wat is ds? God pls intervene

  67. i cant hold bk my tearz bt i blv God wil cm to ur aid,,,am a std i dnt hv mch i wil gv d little i hv

  68. Oya guys this is time to put action to our words.This guy needs need waiting for all those rich goverment people that have stolen enough money to last to their 5th generation..lets pool funds together..1k in 1000 places equals 1million naira.Will make sure i pay in my bit on Monday.Hang in there bro..You will pull through!

  69. Lyn,thanx 4 doing this.we cnt close our eyes and watch our own go dwn,while we wait 4 govt.oke,God is on ur case.great fedgocol.

  70. This young man was my Junior in FGC Warri,it hurts to know that the old student association account runs into hundreds of millions,rather than put it to good use the leaders of the association are fighting over the money.Uduaghan,Albert Okumagba and many other prominent Nigerians are old boys,please God touch their hearts.MY GuY God is your strenght,we will do our best and also pray for you.
    Chinedu Amah
    Independence house

  71. My father is diabetic, and I lost an uncle to that, this is quite sad because I watched my uncles feet rotten, then his feet got cut off. The govt may or may not assist, but if we help raise the money for him we would have done a huge service. I pray for his speedy recovery.

  72. Hmnnnn! I want to take this tym To say Thank you lord for my life, my body n dat of my family!

    Oke, it is well with u. Silver n Gold I have none bt by his Grace this mountain shall be moved. There is nothn God is nt aware of. Ur situation already has its good end it is well. Your life is a testimony.Help will come.

  73. Obala Jesus!!! Talk about gangrene!!!

    This man's feet need to be amputated so as to save his life ASAP!!

    This hurts, this hurts.

  74. Kofoworola tijani18 March 2012 at 03:08

    Am a nigerian but am presently studying in India.... And i kinda know how things work around here..... There is a man of God here called bro Jacob of foursquare ... He is a medical tourist and also a nigerian ..... U can talk to him and he might get the treatment for a cheaper cost .here is his number *+919742803991*..... Datz my own little contribution ... Non of us can claim to know d kind of pain oke is going through neither can we feel it..... I pray God have mercy on him.... Here is my face book id and number incase u need to reach me .... Kofoworola tijani.... *918951774771*....

  75. Pls ryt now Oke doesn't need pitytales,5million or india 2 survive.I'm a doctor in delta state.wt dis lvl of gangrene his life is seriously @ stake n evry minute advice is wateva cash hs bn raisd shd b usd 2 book him to d gen hospital 4 immediate surgery,pls.frnds n relatives act fast n now!!

  76. Am a nigerian but am presently studying in India.... And i kinda know how things work around here..... There is a man of God here called bro Jacob of foursquare ... He is a medical tourist and also a nigerian ..... U can talk to him and he might get the treatment for a cheaper cost .here is his number *+919742803991*..... Datz my own little contribution ... Non of us can claim to know d kind of pain oke is going through neither can we feel it..... I pray God have mercy on him.... Here is my face book id and number incase u need to reach me .... Kofoworola tijani.... *918951774771*....

    1. wont it be better you get in touch with the guy since his phone number is on display

  77. This is sad! Let's pray for him as well so d help won't be late. In d meantime he can boil n drink sandpaper leaves. It performs wonder

  78. Speechless. So sad, so painful.

  79. instead of wasting too much why not take him to SCOAN TB.Joshua. God will solve his problem

  80. This is sad.
    Very bad case of Diabetic gangrene that needs to be operated  fast.
    Pls why not settle for surgery in Nigeria? Funds will come in rapidly and a payment plan can even be worked out based  the contributions of well meaning Nigerians. UCH, LUTH, EKO hospital and a few others r equipped to do this type of surgery.


  82. pls let him go 2 TB Joshua, synagogue church of all nation lagos Nigeria he will receive his healing bcos diabetics have no cure, is only God that can heal him.

  83. This is extraordinarily pathetic and I think require urgent attention. The Government should come to his aid.

  84. Oh God help. It reminds me of a friends younger brother who suffer much, must nigerians alway go to india for health issues why ca'nt 9ja have standrd hospitals and proffessional doctors. God help us we truly hav a very long way to go hospitals this days are becoming financial institution rather than saving lives they ar making money. God we cry 4 ur help.

  85. God have mercy...also attended FGCW...and OAU....which makes us have two things in common..I agree with what u all are saying...the FG or state govt should react swiftly to this..he's not just a deltan or nigerian..he's a citizen of the world..we all should do something no matter how little...

  86. Please Contact:
    Tel: 234-1-7747546-8 , 08066945945.

    God can do it!

  87. God pls help dis person.He rily nids ur miracle.

  88. There's noting †нє lord can ₪☺t d̶̲̥̅̊ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡,he should keep reading reading psalms 20

  89. My God dis is horrible. GOD Help oke. Pls lets come out in mass n do sumtin 4 him by donating n praying 4 his healing as well n nt jst making comments.

  90. Let each of us after lamenting n curse of poor health care system contribute even if it 500. Am just diagnosed with Type 2 last week monday. I spent 47 thousand on drugs n oda things. Ps this guy need help.

  91. God please have mercy and come to this young mans aid. I don't have anything to do here but with all my heart i pray that God will surely bring someone who will help. Oke i am really very sorry for this.Oh God!!!

  92. Can we donate via PayPal?

  93. Why are you all calling on federal and state govts? The appeal is to all Nigerians, any amount u donate will make a difference in Oke's life. Pls pls and pls anything will do, even dat 1500 u spend on BiS recharge could spare his life. Am contributing mine first thing 2mao and YOU should do same. Hang in there Oke help is on d way.

  94. See the fine boy oh! Abeg he shouldn't waste away like this.

  95. God will preserve ur SOUL.....I av faith!!!

  96. Aboh, Humphrey Ebhozele18 March 2012 at 10:50

    Oh my brother Oke..fine boy you were and are. i broke down when i saw and read your story. You will not walk alone. Great FEDGOCOL WARRI, this is one of your own...2000set, he is our brother. rise to this challenge.
    A prayer for you...Lord Jesus, the miracle worker, that your name may be glorified,heal your son and servant, Oke, just as you did the blind, paralytic and a host of others. Raise men and women with hearts of flesh to come to hs aide. Amen

  97. feel so sorry for him, wish i could help

  98. Do not go to synagogue oh. TB Joshua wıll demonıse you. Ill health plus demonısm ıs double jeopardy. Rather dıe than be sıck and demonısed. Earth ıs a transıt stage and heaven and hell are real, Joshua leads to hell and Jesus Chrıst and hıs apostles save. Hold on and hang on to God, bad state though, stıll better than havıng TB Joshua to come ın. If you take a flıght wıth the devıl's tıcket

  99. If you take a flıght wıth the devıl's tıcket, ıt would be sılly to expect Angels to welcome you on arrıval. Havıng been told, the choıce ıs yours. Lıfe ıs meanıngless ıf ıt ıs spent outsıde of Chrıst Jesus. If however we dıe ın Chrıst, by thıs ıllness or any other ın that matter, though we dıe, yet we wıll lıve. Remember lıve on earth ıs transıt. Be warned and be guıded. God bless you as ı know you wıll recover ın Jesus name.

  100. Oke at this stage there's only one proof of the holy ghost in your life and that's a holy life and despite d present delay or pain your best days are still is well with you.shamful govt.

  101. As patriotic nigerians lets mek this a prayer point 'God please save Oke' and also contribute by any means possible to help save the life of this young man,may God help us and deliver us AMEN.

  102. We just have to donate o. But why did this take him so long to come out? 6 years..

  103. i know so much about diabetes but i've not seen it dis bas. my heart goes out to you Oke. though i'm a student but a little drop makes a mighty ocean. We need to help this guy out. it is well with your soul Oke.

  104. Oke is someone I grew up with as childhhood friends. Highhly intelligent and cool headed. I was aware of when he had his toes cut off but had no idea it had gotten this bad! Its no fraud. Its as real as it looks. If you are in doubt of dis story call him directly and ask to see him. He lives in Festac on 24rd precisely! Help save this promising young man please!

  105. Please forget the government, it is us, fellow nigerians now. Wateva u can contribute. Pls do. Let's save a life.

  106. on my God so diebetes can be dis wicked?imagine such a harmsome boy oh God hv mercy dis is where and d kind of people all those our wicked men and women stealing and eating our money should help especially those ones that eat 850,000 in a day, 30million naira in a hotel room rubish and also those that eat 3mllion in a day should help pls cm and help oke, pls oke hv petience i hv dis stong feelings dat u wil be fine soon ok?just trust in God.

  107. Oke, γōυ'll be fine. ı read α post, someone advicing γōυ go to the synagogue... DON'T GO TO ANY SYNAGOGUE...Please!!! wε all put something little into γōυя purse, ı believe γōυ'll be alright...мɑγ̲ God heal γōυя pain... Hang on buddy...

  108. Let the governor of Delta state do sumtin abt dis.Five million naira is nothing compared to wht all those foolish politician steal. Cos if anything happen to Oke God will definitely punish dem and dia generations to come.

  109. I just spoke wt oke, thank God his voice his strong, My God wil do his thing in oke's life. I will pray!

  110. Type I and II Diabetes? Hmmm. First of all, can this appeal be videotaped and aired on Nigerian TV stations? It would have a wider reach and be a lot more convincing. Don't blame skeptics. Secondly, save his legs???? They are lost already. The guy needs amputation and this can be done here in Nigeria. What do you want to be done abroad? There is still no cure for diabetes. We have hospitals that can manage him here.

  111. Will want to kn D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ address of Oke Ąπϑ phone number. Thanks

  112. *sigh* I was an FGC warri student, I don't know Oke but my heart is with him. I'll pray for him and I believe he'll be well again. Amen.

  113. You know this is Nigeria and some people may be really sceptical about this information. Some authentication will help bring some credibility to this so good Nigerians who are willing to help will feel free to do so. How about the years he went o FGC Warri? how about some of his school mates there veryfying? How about a word from some of his family members, mother, father, brothers, sisters, How about the Hospital in India that has given the quote of 5Million, and the name of the doctor who has been contacted for treatment.......

  114. I believe we all want to help but some more nformation will be helpful. Please share !!!!!

  115. Where are his family? and why isnt te public hearing from him

  116. where are the men of God? This is the time o show what they can do...

  117. I will donate my own part of it tomorrow and I urge everyone that has the power to donate whatever should do it with one love...the Bible says when u help people that are in need are helping in him in directly...I pray the God lord help you and make you are blessed...Jay boy

  118. Let's stop expecting something from our govt bcos they don't care whether d poor boy live or die. Let us think about what we can give.

  119. Pls Barr. Richard Mofe-Damijo talk to the state governor on his behalf to assist him. As you do so God will also come to ur aids in Jesus name.

  120. I hope 9jas would you put money towards their health insurance..all we hear is they bought this car and that bag..That's an aside but damn!!..this is diabetes in the extreme..would def help..
    He should write his Senator..before they spend all the money on ashewos

  121. OMG! please Nigerians should help this young man. see what poverty...

  122. @ Chamberlain 9.45 you are a terrible human being and i pray you never fall into a situation like this.

    How can you say the young man shuld pray for death? keep your hopelessness to yourself!

    Abi you be winch?!!!!

  123. his legs cannot be saved. Putting money into that leg is pouring money down a waste pipe. Those legs need to be amputated and he will be fine within 2 weeks.
    Furthermore, he will need to control his diabetes with good drugs rather than herbs, tianshi or forever living products that people waist their money on.
    Also he will not need up to two hundred thousand naira if he agrees to the amputation.

  124. when i look at dis nd ur recent post on wot davido jst did wid 2m naira...i almost want to cry..anyway i'll try my best to do my part

  125. however little,u will hear 4rm me Oke but d lord will perfect all dat concerns u.dont loose hope.

  126. Hang in der Oke...God is at work. We will do our best to save u. Speed recovery my dear.

  127. I cld not finish the whole report on his situation - so pathetic, so touching, my heart bled and my eyes glittered with tears - a young promising man from my state and area.If all of who posted here cld spare 5000 naira each, it will go a long way to help!

  128. Ways to give


    Credit Card/Paypal:

  129. God have mercy!

  130. Oh my God, i know this guy way back 2001/2002. He was and still a fine boy and he was so humble and friendly. I liked for who he is and with the condition he's found himself is so heart-touching. I pray we all have compassion and save him as no amount is too small. God will definitely turn around his situation for testimony IJN (Amen).

  131. Why is this story just coming out now? this is sooooo sad.
    1000 people X 1000 naira = 1M naira
    100 people X 10,000 naira = 1M naira

    I pray that the Lord will touch our hearts and use us to make this miracle happen.

    I am so looking forward to the testimony of his recovery ~ Linda, I hope you ll follow up on this one. And dont forget to upload pixs ~ i seriously need to replace the gross pixs i just saw with joyful pixs of Oke and his family.

    I just made my own contribution, c'mon people, lets do this!

  132. Oke... it is well with you. I didn't know it could get this bad...
    Can everyone please help and not wait for other people to. I know we c do it if we all act and not only talk. Please help him, help my brother!

  133. let us not look at the rich people , u and I can do our part.

  134. Linda, you've done well. I know what you are trying to do is get him help. sometimes, we have to be radical. Print 1000 copies of this young mans pictures and put a contact phone number on it, let his friends go to govt house Asaba, and place the pix where they can, banks, oil companies etc in delta state. belive me 5m is will be raised. you people should print hand bills and spread all over the state. get him attention in the state, but it has to be done peacefully but radically. his friends and loved ones should put his pix everywhere in warri, asaba, ughelli, companies, govt house etc, on the bill boldly print DELTA STATE PLEASE HELP YOUR OWN.

  135. I wish you God, Oke. I will do my part.

  136. I wish you God, Oke. I will do my part. Your pains will soon be in the past.

  137. Almighty God, please send help to this guy. There is nothing you cant do, please do this.......

  138. *Crying* God pls save a soul......Great fedgocol let's do somtin

  139. OMG!!!Wat is dis?God pls save dis young man's lyf.Let us al contribute d little we hav,it wl go a long way in helping his situation instead of al dse talk.U r doing gr8 Oke!


  141. This is soo sad,looking at this young guy's picture made me cry and wonder what kind of country and leaders we have.So in the whole of Nigeria as a country,not even one person can raise 5 million to save a life....It is a shame!Meanwhile so of our stupid actors and top people can afford to buy expensive cars/phones,houses e.t.c but not one of them could use their brain to think of people in dire need of that money.God help you Oke,you'll be in my prayers and i believe in miracle,I know you will live and give testimonies.

  142. just reading this post for the first time.Diabetes is a slow could be well manage if you take your medicine regularly and do routine checks yearly( eye doc, foot doc, Dentist) and regular exercise.

    I will do my contribution immediately and everyone that have left msg on this site should do the same. No amount is too small. it will go along way to help this guy.

    God will heal you oke..

  143. Waiting on the govt could be time wasting or even lead to "life wasting" (God forbid though), we don't have to wait on them as the govt tend to offer assistance based on political motives coupled with slow protocols in getting things done.
    i beg of all to contribute the little we can and if the govt chooses to meet us half way, then that's cool. Hey! who says our brother wouldn't need more than he's asking cos i didn't even see any budget for feeding, transport & any other important expenses.
    God Bless Us All
    God Be with our brother and anyone in such an unfortunate situation.

  144. Haa, this is serious. Churches should please help raised the money for the operation. Please contact African Mission Charity Organisation in Nigerian and let collection be made during church special events. I know there is going to be a Festival of Life in UK in April 2012, this is been organised by The Redeemed Christian Church of God. A Special Love Offering can be collected. It is a pity that I am unable to help financially but I will prayer for him. It is well, you will be heal in JESUS NAME.

  145. Thanks so muuch Linda for this post. I am a medical doctor and would like to use this post to highlight many things.

    1. All empathy for the young man in question but this should serve as a real life cautio to all that thinks the hospital is just a waste of time because this is what they will end up with if they don't seek medical attention early for any ailment.
    2. Permit me to say that there is no medical entity has DM type 1 and 2 together. You are classified as either 1 or 2.
    3. The main issue with this young man is the sepsis that will ensure with this type of gangrene and for this young to have been proclaimed cheerful and well is "God diivine mercyl
    4. What also inform the choice of india in management of a case as common as this. This is basic amputation, which is done every blessed day in our teaching hospitals with far far less cost. Cost less than 500,000. The young man first worry is not prosthesis but for that niddus of infection to be done with.

    5. Once again my prayers for him, but first thing first, let him go to any teaching hospital or federal medical center close by and be taken care of. Diabetic foot can be adequately taken care of here.
    6. Play with ur health and you play with ur life.

  146. But must things degenerate to this level before we help ourselves in this country,he didn't just wake up to see his feet like that am sure he must have been writhing in pains and calling for help long before wa o.i just donated my widows mite,pray God heals u Oke

  147. But must things degenerate to this level before we help ourselves in this country,he didn't just wake up to see his feet like wa o.i just donated my widows mite,pray God heals u Oke

  148. God of Heaven alone can Heal, and He is going to heal you Oke. Keep declaring positive things into ur life & health. It is well with you brother.

  149. I can hardly look at this myself, God have mercy.

  150. God heal hom and send Oke help In Jesus Name. Amen

  151. Na wa for all these people claiming "medical profession"...please stop discouraging people that want to contribute...if healthcare in Naija was good,wld our 'high & mighty' b travelling out for treatment...Oke deserves excellent healthcare facilities,I don't know him but I wld contribute to his treatment in INDIA...Praying for Oke,May GOD grant him speedy recovery.Amen

  152. Give give and give. The hands that giveth never lacks.... Don't sit there waiting for the Government or rich politicians. Give what u have and remember to also say a prayer for him thats all he really needs right now.

  153. @Chamberlain: Normally I respect people's opinion but under these circumstance, I must confess you are a mean, myopic, pessimist. I wonder if you'ld have made that comment if you were in his shoes or it it were your relative we were talking about. People please we are all human beings. We are the government. If you have can help this young guy in any way, please do, even if its a word of hope, prayers or even more publicity. We dont have to wait for 'someone' or 'government'. i dont know if he reads this comment but if he does some comments here would probably be more painful than the ailment. To all those advertising their churches, go get a TV space. Jesus Christ gave 'food' to his followers. I'm a Nigerian youth and it pains me to see what he's going through. let's give him hope, love, money and prayers and not flex our political, religious or profeesional knowledge for him. I think he's got enough of these already. Good governance starts with the man in the mirror. As long as there's life, there's always hope.

  154. I agree totally with a certain doctor's comment above. I would have said same, but there is no need for the repitition.
    The legs are gone, and not even the US can replace them. He should get to a teaching hospital (or FMC), get his amputation, and send for the prosthesis with the change left from the current 2 million he has raised so far, he can sent for any country of his choice.
    I've had folks spend so much money on Indian hospitals, only to come back to Nigeria with no improvement in condition. Basically, they simply come back to die here.
    Finally, miracles do happen, and i've seen a few. While not advocating it as a form of treatment (it's kinda unethical), he should consider trying the power of God. He no dey disappoint.

    Let the attacks begin...

  155. I hear delta state govt has agreed to help out!!!! Thank God. please still donate as oke would need other things the government might not be willing or able to provide for him.God bless you all.

  156. I support the one who wrote that Oke should go to any of the teaching hospitals around. He will spend less and will be fine within a short period. All things been equal, the surgery should be done within 24hours of presentation. Going to India will only mean getting his prostheses faster. I think his life and state of health is much more important than the prostheses at the moment. He really needs to get those limbs off. Then, he can get the prostheses. It is well with him.

  157. I'm currently in a desperate financial situation but out of what I have, I gave. I wish you well, Oke. You will not die but will live to declare the works of the Lord upon your life. This shall be a testimony for you in Jesus' Name. People, no amount is too small. Let's remember that little drops of water make up the mighty ocean. God bless you.

  158. He's been supports, DTSG is supporting him, taking him to india and also giving full support for every medical care! sources say he leaves tonight

  159. lie jooorrr...seems like you've never had a dying family member before...My mum was really ill some years ago,d doctors here cld not diagnose wat was wrong sef..Thank God for provision,people supported us; she went to india and came back home hale and hearty after 4surgeries there,they have excellent healthcare facilities there..I can also testify cos an aunt whose doctor (in a Lagos Teaching hosp)had given up on her cos her cancer was advanced,went to India and came back alive and better to the glory of God...My people don't dull yourself...except you have someone inside,you probably won't get speedy treatment in a naija teaching hospital...A friend with hyperthroid disease (grave disease) has been pushed up and down for over 2months at LUTH..the whole healthcare system in naija needs an overhaul....OKE,I don't know you,but I'll spread the word and try to get donations for you..May GOD grant you healing.Amen

  160. @CHAMBERLAIN abi wetin u call wa for ur reckless comment ooo...When there's life,there's HOPE...OKE is gonna come out of this trial as a victor in JESUS name.Amen....he's gonna be a great person and bring positive changes to Nigeria...Just watch out!!

  161. Oke is receiving treatments Now, Thanks to Gov Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan, On Saturday evening, the governor of Delta state was informed about Mr Okeoghene John's Case, He personally studied the health report from the Lagos state teaching Hospital and immediately sent an SoS to the Delta state ministry of health to take up Okeoghene Case, within 24hours a medical team from Delta state visited Oke at his Festac Home with an Ambulance and transferred him to a private hospital where he can receive pre surgery treatment before his trip to india next week for his Surgery, Am glad that the Delta State government. Under the leadership Dr Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan is operating a people oriented government, His response to this case shows that Delta state is blessed with a dynamic n accessible leader

  162. Sincerely pathetic! However, we do ot need India for this. They do this almost everyday in UCH, Ibadan and with total cost of less than #200,000. Diabetes is a systemic disease which if not taken care of aggressively can destroy many organ-system (Kidneys,heart and brain). Travelling to India is a sheer waste of resources(time,money and personnel) that are obviously limited. Oke, this goes with my on widow's mite. May the "Balm in Gilead" attend to your case.

  163. Oke,GOD will c u thru.

  164. I am a born again Christian. I was a self confessing drug addict. I was hooked on heroin and crack-cocaine for 13 long years. I looked and was taken for what I was...Not a very nice person. One day I woke-up to find that I was no longer physically or mentally hooked on such a powerful thing. What am I telling you this for? The same living God who healed me is the same God who will heal and touch this young and beautiful man. Gods power and might saves us as sicknesses and infirmities have no right in our lives...Why? Because Jesus Christ nailed them on the cross. May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth use the same loving heart, and the same mighty hand and remove this Diabetic illness from my brothers body, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  165. Oke U̶̲̥̅̊ r healed in Jesus name........all of U̶̲̥̅̊ tlkin of him goin 2 meet men of God 4 prayers......U̶̲̥̅̊ cud say a word of prayer 2 Oke.....God has given al of us authority 2 thread upon snakes n scorpions.........Oke it is well Ɯi†̥‎​ U̶̲̥̅̊ in jesus name....u'll nt die bt liv wit testimonies...I join my faith wit urs.......U̶̲̥̅̊ r heald my dear,in jesus name......Amen n Amen

  166. @Chamberlain...Its a good thing that you did not leave your HOUSE CONTACT ADDRESS coz i would personally visited you to put you in the same shoes with Oke, so that you'll feel same Pains and pray for death to come......

  167. @chamberlain....God will defintely punish upto ur tenth generation,i go chop witch becos of u nd i go hunt u down nd kill u,it will never be well with u nd i promise u will suffer a fate worse than oke's nd no one will come to ur rescue.

  168. I am anticipating the Testimony of Oke being hale and hearty

  169. Lets stop talking and help this young guy ,he does not need too much talk ,all he needs is money to save his life ,anything can make a change in his life .bless you as you help him .

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