Beauty Addition | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Beauty Addition

Beauty Additions offers a unique selection of jewelry, clothing and make up products. There you will find a wide selection of beautiful hand crafted jewelry created using only the finest beads and materials. From exotic glass beads, semi-precious stones, fresh water pearls, to Swarovski crystals. Each piece is designed to combine different colours, shapes and textures to produce pieces which are distinctive, eye-catching and fashionable. Continue to see more photos...


 Go to their WEBSITE to see more


  1. Anyone still Wondering what a Guy is doing at this corner of the Page? (Beauty Addition) Guys like good things too and we love to see our wives dress well. Hence, a Gentleman should take time out to check things in vogue or in trend to enable him buy something nice for his Angel... What's your Opinion?

  2. Plz d website is not listed there...can I get it? Thanks

  3. Beautiful jewelries!!!women re so lucky ehh

  4. beautiful indeed but where are you located need to make some purchase .

  5. Hi,

    The website is

  6. @ Anonymous 4:25... Duh! after scrolling through the pictures. Linda made clear that we click "WEBSITE" if we'ld like to know or see more..So if you wanna visit their website click on the "word" so you can be re-directed

  7. Lovely. Just so lovely.

  8. the website isnt opening. Something with bandwith size exceeded.

    Please where is their address?

  9. The website is opening

  10. The website is opening

  11. Nice blog & good post. overall You have beautifully maintained it, you must try this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
    Unique Jewelry


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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