Stephanie Okereke denies February/Paris wedding | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Stephanie Okereke denies February/Paris wedding

Some of you probably read somewhere online that star actress Stephanie Okereke is getting married to Linus Idahosa in Paris in February. In a recent interview with YNaija, the actress said the report is not true.
Another media story! I’m not getting married in February. Very untrue, please tell them. Stephanie said
On her recent annulment, she said
I sought for annulment and I got it. I never sought for divorce. It was an annulment. He was married to someone abroad so with that evidence I was able to seek for annulment. The court cannot grant annulment unless I had proof. The case has been on since 2007 and been dragging because of our court system. At least I’m not going to be referred to as a divorce or ex-Mrs…. (Laughter) The better for me jare.


  1. Okay oo, we have heard!

  2. lol,how come i never heard the rumor

  3. Pele oooo!confused girl......

  4. Why the rise in cases of men married before and now trying to marry again without settling the issues with the previous marriage. And to make matters worse, not even letting the current partner know.

    First it was the mercy Johnson issue, then Alex o and now this.
    I tire for some people.

  5. U no divorce, u no b ex yet u no marry....*yawn*..abeg, na u knw...wch one be our own?..

    Linda, abeg mk u dey serve us wt something nah, as we dey comment mk we dey sip dey go...if na zobo plus #5 biscuits, we go manage am...wetin self u no dey do promo?

  6. Am happy for you girl! Way to go. At least is good to know that you are starting new .Nobody's breathing down your neck or laying claims. Wishing all the best.

  7. She looks like kola boof (or woof whichever one) in that picture seriously look at her properly !!! Becauz she doesn't have any mad flying weave about doesn't mean she doesn't look like kola boof/woof ... She is not preety to me! But I'm sure she is a very lovely individual(I hope) but my subjective view is that she is not attractive!! Just stare at her in that picture(no makeup too) u can see what she looks like for those calling kola boof/woof/poof ugly

  8. Air head of course you never knew he was married and the s--- has hit the celing , paris or ajegunle na you sabi , am sorrying for linus cannot imagine more skeletons

  9. Steph, Am happy for you O!

  10. Abeg, just stay focus on your upcoming marriage, and make sure you make this work ,come rain come stormy weather. congrats .

  11. @anon 2. 08pm lol u re funny

  12. After he don use u to satisfy himself for almost a year(ex)u'r nw here yarning trash,well,una two gbadun each other,END OF STORY!

  13. What's happening, if she said no, then leave her alone!.
    asuu strike suspended

  14. The guy is fine sha. She's my best actress and can do no wrong. HML steph.

  15. She sounds like she knew he was married before or while she was married to him

  16. @ anon 2:08. Lollls Na tru u talk. At least e go dey give person joy 4 mind nd d typin stress go reduce.

  17. Staphanie daarling pls follow ur hrt. Watever u do in dis life pple must talk.

  18. Its a lie jor, she's just trying to save face. she filed for dissolution of marriage, not anullment. Ive seen her inc ourt when she came to dissolve the marriage. in the process of the dissolution they found out the guy was married to someone else at the time of her marriage so legally the marriage doesnt exist. now she's trying to save face and not look stupid for marrying anor woman's husband, as if she didnt know at the time that he was married. Puhleeze honey, we're on to u. and the silly chit that doesnt even know how to lie well, why will she now say "At least I’m not going to be referred to as a divorce or ex-Mrs…. (Laughter) The better for me jare." if she knew from day 1 that it was an anullment??? abeg she should go and rest.

  19. Linda, stop being selective of the posts you take especially when they are critical of you. Search yourself if this is any different with the behavior of the Nigerian government. When it favors you, you post and don't when it doesn't. Show yourself as courageous and display my last post.

  20. Ex anything is still Ex. Wife, girlfriend, partner, mistress etc etc.

    Just pray for God to send u someone ur own & u will be happy with.

    Best wishes!

  21. shut up your rotten mouth jor abeg yeye dey smell

  22. So what were u? Ex live in lover, ex husband snatcher, ex bed sharer, ex everything. U knew the guy was married and u went ahead to marry him and u are saying u wont be referred to as a divorcee or ex mrs like u didnt live with the man and shgged him for years.

  23. Make we hear word. If she wan marry, make she marry bo. Every time na so we go dey hear different date! Do it and get it over and done with, then the real journey begins nor be all this mills aand boom love.

  24. guys, d new linus guy she wants 2 marry too has/had a wife b4 ....heard dats why she wants to go abroad 4 d wedding...

  25. Foolish wonder you've been fucking around... All the while you were with your so called annulled man, no bi husband u tell us say im be. Now nah ex-annulled man e bi. Ewu.

  26. she is stupid for even coming out with this nonsense so she married a bigamist really stupid she has no sense. The linus she is following also has a family abi has he divorce his oyinbo woman. just going from frying pan to fire mschew!!!

  27. wini syno is speaking2 February 2012 at 15:41

    Ewu Gambia you are just laughing at your stupidity, but when you did your secret marriage you were telling people who cared to listen that he is your husband and now you are talking rubbish. Continue fooling yourself Stephanie

  28. Steph,whether u like it or not u are EX-mrs and a DIVORCEE,cos ur brideprice was paid by ur EX.even traditional marriage was done. shikena.

  29. u guyz should leave her na.......... She's happy

  30. Abeg make una sofry dey abuse am make she no change her mind. My husband and I nver get peace since they started dating. Step, Im sure you know who I am if your reading this because me and you don get kwata tire over your affairs with my husband so abeg guz, any body she marries is a testimony for me...even if na goat...

  31. LoL @ goat Anon 4:24 - More more details please....

  32. Totally confused stupid woman..this Stephanie Okereke sef. You married a man that was already married.Now ur happy that you wont be considered a divorcee...lets wait and see how long this one lasts..See their face sef...So na makeup dey make am fine for her movies.Chei....even d guy sef no try at all.Nna mehnnnn

  33. I'm tired of this girl & her stupid wedding dates. She's the one that will leak info 2 the press,then comes out & denies it. Stephnie or watever u call urself,shut d fuck up & go wed,even if u want 2 do it in the moon.that is ur cup of tea but pls stop talking ok. Anyway u hav nothing else for u 2 be in the news again. Dats why u re running ur mouth all over the place. Mcheewwww


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