#OccupyNigeria: Desmond Elliot addresses bad leadership on twitter | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

#OccupyNigeria: Desmond Elliot addresses bad leadership on twitter

Desmond Elliot during his campaign for Goodluck Jonathan last year.
 The Nollywood actor's tweets now...he wrote this just a few hours ago

Continue to see more of what he wrote on his twitter page today...

 Well said!


  1. Absolutely sums it up, nothing more to add!!!

  2. ride on my bro you have spoken well unlike people liket dbanj

  3. it seems the entertainers that supported him are all coming out to say something now, guess its best to get it over with.
    but Desmond is pretty much right about everything, AMEN.

  4. nice talk desmond...

  5. Beautiful, I am touched by his tweet. Speak it Desmond. The whole world is watching them. 6 private jets? Really? O ga o. May GOD help us o. We need a better Nigeria for our children o. Occupy on! God please protect all our "occupiers" in Jesus name. Amen. Let not another trigger happy cop kill any more of our children. AMEN.

  6. well said desmond.... but i thot he was part of jonathan campaign during election?
    sorry i live abroad so am not sure bcos we all see nollywood in surport of him. for them comming out now saying otherwise i guess is too late,nigeria is not where ppl can get president out of power.

    have bn following all d event on blog,facebook n twitter n am so proud of my ppl let hope something gud will come out of it. we dat live abroad can feel the pinch aswell, am planning to move back to lagos but with all this wahala is just a major set back for me, i cant run business on 146naira a little for generator.

    Am highly dissapointed in badluck egbere jona-were...

  7. He made sense but believe me, removal of fuel subsidy is the right thing in the right direction. The cabals are comprised of mostly Northerners and it will take a Southerner to remove it. You people don't know what is happening in the country. Northerners have finished US. Nigeria spends about 75 naira for every litre of fuel it imports and the beneficiaries are the nameless Cabals, they are also the major sponsors of this protest. We have to take a chill pill. In other to make things right, you have to step on toes. This is what Mr president has done.

  8. desmond hit the nail on the head... nigerians abroad are treated like shit and the govt representatives, embassys are doing nothing to protect the interest of our people abroad... God help the motherland...

  9. Des has pretty much stated all the facts that will resonate with people in these hard times. These are all the questions we are asking too des. Unfortunately, information asymmetry is nigeria's government's middle name. They never come clean and are anything but accountable to the people, which is very very frustrating


  10. let the whole world know that the naija president budgeted for 12 months for himself from naija resources based on exc rate of 255 naira to 1 pound; about £4 million pounds for feeding himself, another £4.5 million for health care obviously going overseas for that, another £4 million pounds to travel over the world, another £1 million pounds to water flowers, another £200K for buying newspapers and so on kilode and he says the poor masses should suffer for where this is it and ride on desmond well said!!!

  11. linda thank you for this and never be tired of bringing these news tio our attention; desmond well done oooo let the whole worl be aware of the greed of oga JONA

  12. thank God, everyone is coming out of their comfort zones to speak.Well, i will say thank u desmond, and thank u linda for posting it.But it takes more than this for them to hear..since the actors n actresses hav a better access to the president, we are imploring yu to gather yourselves (if not for anything, at least some actors collected money from him) and go and tell Mr president and his cohorts to please reform and not retrieve all our funds...please, as i talk to u, and each day, a Nigerian child is dying of hunger n bad health. tell him all these things yu hv tweeted, let him see d sense n dignity in resigning if he cant do d job / punish the guilty cabals...i weep for my generation, i weep for d coming generation, God,...i hope we are nt cursed...this is so unbearable...According to Hill(2008): for a nation that makes over 300billion dollars from excess crude oil, it is definitely a joke to be poor....

  13. please, no one is saying subsidy removal is bad, of course, its fantastic...but..apprehend these cabals, retrieve the money they hv stolen, northerners or otherwise, use d funds to build refineries, put light n power sector in order,...give us 24hr electricity...then go ahead and remove subsidy...if yu see us on d street...then something must be wrong with us,..we are nt stupid pple, we want d best for Nigeria....but let there be a proper measure in place,..then go ahead n remove d subsidy.........let pple b punished,..if its my mother thats stealing from govt purse..please deal with her ruthlessly.....what nonsense is NOI, SLS, DIM, GEJ and others telling us

  14. Abeggi, sotay him no get him own words to take describe him feelings & opinion. Na another person article him dey copy & paste for twitter. So that in †ђξ near future, he can claim that all he did was to post †ђξ opinion of someone else online. Absolute nonsense. Let him come out & join in †ђξ protests as his comrades have so far been doing. & by †ђξ way, this is †ђξ link to †ђξ original article. cutting-edge-view.blogspot.com/2012/01/oily-affairs-of-profligate-nation.html?m=1

  15. He should give back the 3 million naira he took from Jinathan, the One million he took from Godswill Akpabio and the 300,000 he took from Francis Duru all the money he has been taking from the Benue State Governor then we shall listen. How dare he? Where does he think these people get money from to give him and his friends?

  16. Nice talk Des, but am not worried atall cos, as they are flurishing now, they will be destroyed one day.

  17. Linda...I just spoke with my business partner in Lagos and he informed me that there is a gubernatorial campaign going on right now in Adamawa....he says OBJ, Jona, the state governor as well as the other PDP fools are all there dancing seriously as if nothing is going on in Nigeria ooooo.I was told "wipe n'se ni nwon nko ijo m'ole gan ni oooo" Please check it out for us.

  18. The Fuel Subsidy is a good initiative but its coming at a very very wrong time people. Nigerians cant trust thier leaders hence they will oppose the removal of fuel subsidy. what will happen to the monies afterwards? what is the assurance that it will be used properly? All these are the issues facing us all. i cant pay 141naira/litre when am not sure of the benefits to me or my family?
    Yes our innocent people are dying but what can we do? its a sad event exactly a chicken and egg situation.
    Jonathan is a good man but has evil people around him. a great guy but evil party PDP.
    He has ministers who dont even know what they are doing? Ngozi Okonjo Iweala made some sense on TV yday but her counterpart Diezani needs classes before addressing the Nigerian People again. Who is she upset at? or shouldnt it be viceversa? we care less about her private intimate affairs and her family status but please dont ridiclue us any further. if you must serve the people be transparent enough.

  19. How disheartening this is. The corruption twists my stomach. 6 private jets. What for? How can man be so wicked? Many of us in the UK and US would love to come back to our homeland. To a place where God has mightily blessed. But these greedy leaders, who cannot sleep on more than one bed at a time, yet acquire enough houses to fill a planet wont let us. I pray that God will unseat the enemies of Nigeria. I commend everyone, including you- Linda for creating awareness on this for the world to see. Let us shout out! Nigerians keep shouting out. We will be heard. Soon.

    Well said Desmond Elliot.

  20. Desmond carry go ooo can you imagine!!! this same ngozi that wants us to believe her abi okay; when the FEC met last week she was not there and she has now come out to say she was in Washington in the USA with her family because she was sick with bronchitis and it is our naija money that would be used to treat her overseas oh; my naija people I think una see am now Nigerian hospital was not good enough for her and she jetted straight to the USA for treatment can we all see it now but for we the poor masses in naija even though the hospitals lack equipments, I and you are still expected to stay here and receive our treatment when we are sick and you want us to believe a woman talking with the other side of her mouth with lies NEVER this is just the beginning occupy and 9ja people make una listen to the new occupy song that has been released this is for sure what the poor masses need……

    the lady is just a total disgrace to those who are accountants and economist she really has no clue and presi jona has just dug a big hole for himself for listening to this woman who has no clue in order words clueless + clueless = stupidity!!!

  21. Fuel subsidy is actually good for nigeria. A lot of you guys just refuse to see it. A journey of a 1k miles begins with one step. A certain group have been making millions a day over the importation of the fuel. This has to stop. The only issue is the drastic and swift change with which it occured. Mr presido shld have stuck to the april date so people are prepared altho knowing naijas they will still complain. Also let us be careful in spreading falsehood. Where did this budget for the presidents food come from? So becos some1 typed something in the papers or online, it makes it the truth? Are many high on stupidity in nigeria? What do they want to feed jonah? Gold and diamond. That budget is too far fetched and I doubt it is real.

  22. Person In The Know10 January 2012 at 17:43

    Anarchists (seeking publicity for their wretched and hopeless cause), your leaders have sold all of you. You have more chance of resurrecting Lazarus than making this government or PDP change their mind. PDP are in power to make serious money. PDP have over $5billion "war chest" to protect its "interest". The cash is being used to bribe the leaders of your so called protests and Boko Haram insurgency. The highest amount any individual will get is $5m and group is $25m. The minimum for an individual is $50k. The orchestrators of the chaos in the country are being paid off and within 6 months, peace will reign in Nigeria. I've told you what I know is happening now. PDP PLC views anyone against it as a saboteur, terrorists or protester. PDP has far too much power. It's only PDP from within PDP that can break up PDP. Please, don't fret or get killed or injured for being a "saboteur / terrorists / protester." It's not worth it. If you must protest, protect yourself. Goodluck.

  23. Desmond didn't write d article,
    Here's d link to the complete article.

  24. Pardon my ignorance but where did this budget inforamtiojn come from? Desmond should know better than to just make comments on what he did not verify or is this public inforamtion. How can 1 president own 6 private jets? Desmond is a dumb ass for making unfounded statements unless all this is public info and the public has access to it, we should not comment on wat we did not verify. Billions on food??? Like is jonathan mad? It. Can't be true.

  25. Desmond Elliot, along with every Nollywood actor that made that shameless advert for Goodluck Jonathan, are all the same, hypocrites and liars. They knew they were lying then and he sure knows he's lying now. Trying to crawl his way back into favour by the very people he and the others betrayed, he's nothing but a traitor, a cockroach and the scum of Nigeria.

    All these things he listed in his sorry excuse for a conscious tweet, they were all there when he sold his head and career for money to lie to the people that Jonathan is the man to take Nigeria forward. Jonathan had his jets then, we had lost everything then, there were useless special advisers then, and surely all of them that did that video had lost their own moral compass when they accepted money and did an advert. Why didn't he say all this to Mr President then, now he's saying it because people are raining curses on their heads.

    Please people do not fall for the words coming out of the mouth of a useless cockroach like Desmond Elliot because they are the worst kind of Nigerians, they are all guilty for selling their heads, their word, their life for stolen money from Jonathan, now he is looking for public favour by speaking falsehood but by using the easy words gullible Nigerians want to hear.

    I can't believe some people are already falling for his hypocritical speech. Nigerians are not fooled by your falsehood Desmond, and if you attempt to step out and join the rally, and think you will be seen and welcomed as anything but a traitor to the nation, we will stone you and the others until you shamelessly run back to the people you received blood money from. Shame on you TRAITOR!!!

    And Linda, if you do not post this you have just signed your ID card as a traitor too.

  26. Well said Desmond, had to follow u on twitter immediately!
    This is the difference when u have education, ur point will be well driven, unlike some of our nollywood people that could not explain themselselves.

    Desmond did not make a direct sentence on fuel subsidy but u can deduce where he stands on the issue.

  27. Whoever that said the removal of fuel subsidy is good is an IDIOT, a BIG FOOL for that matter! How can you trust a corrupt government? How can you tell that the money will be used for the benefit of the people? How many times will you be beaten before you get wise? What makes you think the money realized will be invested? If it will be truly utilized to favor the people of Nigeria, they should start by cutting down that budget, fixing NEPA, fixing the roads, creating job, bringing order in the North and then, maybe then, we can believe.


    I promise to take the war against corruption to their very doorstep by fire by force.The time of the revolution is close by.And the cabal holding Nigerians to poverty will be totally destroyed with the fire from the Guns of war

  29. ..if we were refining our crude oil here in Nigeria, wld we be talking abt subsidy at all? No! So lets face d problem. Lets revive our refineries and build more refineries. Instead of coming to shoot us in d leg and give us palliative measure, why not leave us alone. This is an avoidable pain. We don't need pain reliever.

  30. well done our resource is now only oil because our president are not patient enough to cultivate before they reap...ride on Elliot we are with you

  31. folks keep talking as if the govt can not address the things Des mentioned while also removing fuel subsidy. they are not mutually exclusive. removing subsidy without addressing the other facts he raised is insensitive and makes violent change almost inevitable.
    He and his court jesters tell us they are working on those things. hy were they not worked on the time Okonjo Iweala et al were working on the modalities for fuel subsidy removal? It was so easy to calculate the cost of subsidy but impossible to calculate the cost of governance and waste in the seat of power.
    Make no mistake, the protest on the streets are not just about fuel subsidy but about a govt that just dos not get it. The protests are about a ruling class that have lost touch with reality and a govt that seems increasingly insensitive.
    fuel subsidy is just a rallying point. After all why should i protest and strike to protect the interest of the Adenugas and Otedolas? This fuel subsidy argu,ment is not economic, it is moral. that is the fact that Okonjo Iweala and Sanusi fail to understand with their Power Point slides and projectors. As long as those clowns in NASS are sharing our commonwealth, it shall not be well with Nigeria.




  34. Plagarism, tell desmond elliot not to copy and paste. These Nigerian artisite don't just go to someones blog copy and paste the persons write up and tweet it as if it is urs because you want the masses to feel you give a hoot.http://cutting-edge-view.blogspot.com/2012/01/oily-affairs-of-profligate-nation.html?m=1

  35. fela tried to educate his so called "followers" from long ago but black man problem they show him face as we go. It is more in our DNA and if we don't heed the words of fela, this struggle will never end. We all want to oppress our fellow man this was also the main cause of slavery, I get my neighbor no get mentality is still what is destroying black man till date.....

  36. Ha! So those aren't his own words? He simply "lifted" from someone else's article and purported them to be his own?

    If yes, sums Nigeria up.

  37. Right on Des, right on...If a rich nation like the UK can make their PM fly BA, then why should we that haven't proven we are fiscally prudent have presidential 6 jets.

    Awon ti won ri ola ri. MOFOs

    GEJ must go!!! No...everybody...from president to perm sec must go. We need a brand new government.

    After they leave we should shake them down for every kobo they've stolen and hidden in foreign accounts.

  38. Well Eedris dissed Dbanj seriously on this issue..at least Desmond had the balls to speak his mind unlike Precious Genny and Dbanj!!

  39. the imf-sap-worldbank(okonjoiwealla) angle...is GEJ a puppet?


  40. Plagiarizing or not Desmond is a big fool. Are any of what the main author typed up real??? Which one has been verified? Is the monies allocated to food, newspaper and cost of living realistic? I still think jonathan is the most transparent that naija has ever seen. Is there a way to verify these amounts? Cos I still don't understand how ONE man can have a budget like that. He must want to die young.

  41. Is that wht we should tolking about for now

  42. Ole!!! Barawo!!! Desmond you be theif ooooo. To all the first 10 or so commentators who gave him props how foolish are you all now. Bunch of yidiots!!! Yes the statements are somewhat on point but desmond didn't say them from his heart. I knew he wasn't that educated to write such. Dbanj who is speechless is has more virtue than this thieving benin boy

  43. Laugh it off:A plane with
    5 passengers was about to
    crash in midair and there
    were only 4 parachutes.
    1st passenger, Lionel
    Messi: I'm d world's best footballer, my fans still
    need me. He takes one and
    2nd passenger, Aliko
    Dangote: I'm
    Africa'srichest man. I don't want to die now. He
    takes another one and
    Third passenger, Goodluck
    Jonathan: I'm the
    President of Nigeria, the most powerful and
    intelligent President in
    Africa. I have Boko and
    Subsidy issues to deal
    with. He takes one and
    jumps. The 4th passenger was d
    Pope, Pope said to d 5th
    passenger, an 8 yr old girl
    "I'm an old
    man, I'll sacrifice my life
    for Urs" but d girl replied "no need for dat, there
    are 2 parachutes left.
    "how can that be?" asked
    The girl replied "The
    Nigerian President took my school bag! Badluck mumu

  44. We should not spread falsehood or misinterpret facts just to support our motives.

    GEJ has 36 ministers becos the constitution says we need to have a minister from every state of the federation.
    Obama did not cut his salary. He earns $400K per annum and that figure has been in effect since 2001.

    I agree there is profligacy in government but please let us report facts. Corruption is not just related to money, it's all about integrity. Anybody who is cooking up/misinterpreting facts to justify his objective is no better than the current leaders we are complaining about.

  45. Is that what we need in this country for now

  46. Kemiismyrealname10 January 2012 at 21:00

    Desmond Elliot, one question: The money paid to you and all the other nollywood actors/ entertainers during the presidential campaign was sourced from where? That is the mismanagement people are talking about. You ought to have asked yourself where the money Oronto Douglas gave you was coming from. You collected the money so you are no better than Goodluck Jonathan.

  47. Those are all pertinent questions. Like a lot of people he may have campaigned for Jonathan in good faith believing in all the empty promises the man made before getting into power. Now that Jonathan has shown himself to be as bad a president as Nigeria has ever had, he and everyone who's been disappointed have a right to speak up and criticise the government.

    I can understand that removal of the subsidy is a necessary evil, HOWEVER, most people, myself included, believe that the money saved would not go towards the masses and the economy but instead into the pockets of those greedy thieving politicians who have already robbed the country blind and paralysed. Furthermore measures should've been put in ace to cushion the effects BEFORE removing the subsidy. Nigerian leaders are liars and they will continue to lie and steal for as long as the country lets them. If there were not so many people already suffering and struggling there might not be as much opposition to the subsidy removal as there have been. I don't reside in Nigeria but I am angry at the state of affairs there!

    Linda, thanks for keeping those of us abroad updated. I've never met you but I'm very proud of you for taking a stance on what u believe in.

  48. Kemiismyrealname10 January 2012 at 21:02

    Desmond Elliot, one question: The money paid to you and all the other nollywood actors/ entertainers during the presidential campaign was sourced from where? That is the mismanagement people are talking about. You ought to have asked yourself where the money Oronto Douglas gave you was coming from. You collected the money so you are no better than Goodluck Jonathan.

  49. Chai, Desmond, I no know say u get brain like dis o. Na so, I dey see u as playboy but u have spoken what those so called leaders can't use their brain for and their common sense no get sense at all.

  50. Wait. Hold up! Didn't he know these (corruptions) before he supported the guy? Desmond you fall my hand.

  51. Copycat!


  52. Wel said Desmond.absolutely notin to add,u pretty much summed up evrytin.

  53. Apparently Obasanjo increased oil prices 6 times in 8 years and what happened same old big grammer and Harvard Economics..still no Infrastructure..erratic power supply...and ever so bad roads..money still went to the oil importers and politicians!!..is oil subsidy the only means of acruing capital??..lawd knows how much we could garner from the unsecured sea ports and capital flight from all the foreign firms making a killing in 9ja paying zero taxes...enough is enough..

  54. Remember when we blasted you over that Youth Forum transport fare..all na Recurrent Expenditure..glad you now seeing the light!!..

  55. Nigerians need to understand something that when there's a promising presidential candidate that you agree with, your goal is to get him in the office. So, when he pays you, the money is yours because the purpose is for you to get him more publicity. It's like going after all the celebrities that supported Obama now, since the economy is still bad, it makes no sense.

    So, no need to bash d'banj or desmond or many others who publicly supported Jonathan. There's no way they were able to predict that Jonathan Badluck is an illiterate who lacks common sense and not capable of getting the job done. Jonathan winning was a sentimental one because people wanted someone different from Hausa or yoruba. They got him now, and he's doing poorly. What should we do?

  56. This is a quote from a guy called Demola Adewusi but it doesnt matter... who says he has to write it himself? He is identifying with the quote so no wahala.. as for pple abusing him for doing Goodlucks campaign... if it was you, wouldnt you have done the same? If not worse! na who holy pass?

  57. Desmond did not say this o, its from this blog,

  58. Desmond got it from this blog http://cutting-edge-view.blogspot.com/2012/01/oily-affairs-of-profligate-nation.html?m=1

  59. I wonder what goes on in the head of some people!!!

    Plagiarism bawo?
    So if this theory is true,Linda too can be accused of plagarising abi?

    Some pple just use grammar for the heck of it, without knowing what they are talking about.
    Baa sense!!!

    And to all you pple insulting the first commentators,I don't have words for u lot!

    We only assumed that he wrote it cos he did not quote his source and I did not see the original article before it was brought to my attention.

    I doubt if he had any alterior motives in mind,He only did not quote his source!
    He did not change the font or anything,so he obviously was not trying to claim this article as his.

    The internet is free for u to surf and I'm sure that u can get this article if u google "fuel subsidy".

    So to all u blabber mouths
    for example Anon 8.34,who does not see anything wrong in abusing people for nothing, SMH,there is nothing wrong in sharing knowledge, no man is an island,if not,u won't be searching for the latest news or update on LIB!!!

    Again at anon 8.34,I'm sure u can not boast of remembering to quote the source of any intellectual property that is not yours.
    In the same vein,I want to believe that every knowledge u have was not thought of independently by you;
    You gathered information from different people abi?
    So what is your problem, mr or mrs know all????????

    The only mistake he made was that he did not quote his source.
    How some people now jumped to plagiarism is what I don't understand.
    (Confused, wish I could use the confused smiley on bb).

    Maybe its the Nigerian thing, we are not logical or tactical in thinking and talking.

    I wonder why we are mad at the govt for jumping from 65naira to 141 naira, when we "jump" everyday of our lives in everything we do.

    And seriously, this has not called for so much insults!
    This is just a sign of frustration!

    How do you have so much energy to be mad,insult and hate someone you can't see or have never met.
    Na wa oh!
    If you are doing it for fun,its ok but if you are for real,then Wahala dey oh!

    I think our goverment is a reflection of its people!

    God help us
    God Help and Bless Nigeria!!!

  60. it's so much easier to complain about the darkness than light a candle - Desmond what have you done? Infact what have I done? Linda what have you done? readers what have we done to better our nation? no point highlight all the wrongdoings - we the so called good clean folks - do nada that's why the country is as it is -
    it's makes good gist but if we want better future we must create it - Goodluck is only one man -

  61. Fake news.You all talk like Goodluck spends the money himself.EXECUTiVE ARM consists of many other people but the president.You jus can't imagine the money it takes to run those dead ministeries.duplicated at state level as commissions.ppl sitting,collecting money and shifting files.So there is Road Safety,LASTHMA,Vehicle worthiness commission,police traffic control dealing on one tin and you're asking how the money is running?Ever been to a ministry in ur NYSC days?Yet you think Jonathan can amend all these in one day? Even the NYSC is a waste in itself and lately their salary increase was implemented!

    How many houses of assembly do we have here?Each state has.then at national level 2 seats consisting of how many people?how many viable laws have they put into place since 1999?all they legislate on is homosexuality.the constitution is suffering from so many anomalies.Yet all they sit and do is deliberate,take allowances,go on reccession,come back 4 more money! Why can't they cut their cost too?y can't U rally against the legislators?why only GEJ?is he the whole Govt?rally against the oil cabals too!Linda,you should also educate us on all these instead of witchunting GEJ n NOI.put blame where it Is due.that is what we the readers have bin expecting.honest,unsentimental n unbiased reporting.You're a blogger.FINE but its stil part of Journalism.atleast Ure classes above the City People Lagos Big boy did this and that bloggers!we all hold you in high esteem and you have high placed readers.stop acting lyk you hav a place in d future Namadi Sambo's cabinet...talk about the legislators who are so wasteful too.den those advisers 4 advisers must be reduced so we can grow.if the senate had amended the laws,limiting their powers n dat of the president;GEJ won't hav had the powers to do all these.to single handedly change something concerning a country like this.Look into the constitution,the president has unfettered powers to appoint and throw out JUDGES,CHIEF JUSTICES,GRAND KHADIS and INEC CHAIRMAN!(With advice though but he's free 2 take d recommendation or not)pls tell me how there can be independent?how possible?He who pays the piper detects the tune?surely! If the legislature can't amend these anomalies,why should we service them with so many billions in allowances.

    You claim Jonathan should arrest the boko haram hosts and benefactors.With what evidence?For what we know,the people named may or may not be involved!How can you tell?if any of you have evidence,come forward to court and table it!these same people you accused wil employ a very expensive legal team consisting of Senior Advocates.lodge appeals and adjourn to the end of the world(til our grandchildrens' days).Wake up people.Suicide bombers operate like the mafia!the petty ones caught can't be traced back to the sponsors easily.dey have chains of transmission.SO People,the problems of Nigeria doesn't rest on the shoulders of one man,GEJ.We need a lot of reformation.I admit that he should act more responsible and shake oFf his naivety but in all sincerity,removing him isn't the end of the problem.As Odia Ofiemum,the poet postulated via his poem "...crops of new messiahs will emerge".old wine in new skin indeed.

    The protesters should be more responsible because some area boys are using it as a means of extorting money from people on the road.they should get their facts right,reduce their engagement in verbal insults n unfounded vulgarism.it cheapens the whole thing!,be united and let's all fight for a good cause....thanks,NN

  62. as for the IDIOT that called me an idiot for saying Desmond said the right thing...uhmm, news flash, unlike you, i actually have things to do instead of trolling the internet to find who copied or plagiarized what from who, PLEASE, SHUT YOUR DIRTY TRAP UP..

  63. Desmond abeg reference the author of this tweet. this is plagiarism

  64. @anon..4.38pm.....pls shut up your mouth if you dont know the facts...
    85% of companies benefiting from fuel subsidy are owned by southerners...If in doubt, check the released list once again.....And hey, am a Yoruba man....Silly Ass Jonathan apologist...Mtchewww

  65. Well spoken God BLESS YOU.

  66. i would have wondered.
    Desmond Elliot copied?
    Typical Nollywood practitioner.
    I guess he does not also copy blue movies to get his wife pregnant?
    Sick folks. No originality whatsoever.

  67. Nigerians should know that removal of fuel subsidy does not stop the so called cabal, rather wat govt has done is to shift the cost of servicing the cabal to the Nigerians masses. We cant accept that!

  68. @January 10, 2012 5:47 PM it just shows you are not listening or reading naija news and desmond did not just spring the figuers from the sky as the budget was published and that is how we all know that jonathan wants to spend 1billion to feed himself that to me is pure greed and nothing else when children in 9ja cannot even feed.

    @January 10, 2012 4:47 PM thank you for your analysis and the figures converted to pounds is mind blowing my goodness this is really bad in a country where more than 80% live in abject poverty i SMH in shame for jonatahn, ngozi who gave this budget a goahead to be passed to the NASS she is really evil and she is talking nonsense about savings abi savings my foot!!!

    Linda thank you for all your hard work please continue as your blog is really given an awareness!!!

  69. we have 36 ministers cos d constitution says we are to have a minister from every state of the federation.....

  70. When he was chopping money with Governor Suswam, he did not know he was depriving Benue people their funds.. My friend go and take chair.

  71. Thank you jare,you are a true son of nigeria.


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