LIB Initiative | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

LIB Initiative

An idea just came to me and I wanted to share it with you guys and find out what you think. I was thinking of starting an initaitive/NGO, nothing serious...just myself and my readers donating to charities, orphanages, old people's home etc...

I want to call it Linda Ikeji Blog Initiative, (LIB Initiative), where we basically donate cash, goods and services as a group to organizations and charities. Obviously it's not for every LIB reader, just anyone who's interested in being part of this. I feel like we can make a difference. There are thousands of us here who can impact positively on our society and touch lives.

When we want to donate as a group to charities, some LIB readers will come with us, and those who can't will just make a donation (we will figure out the modalities later).

I also want us to take up cases of people who need money for life-changing surgeries, people who are sick and can't afford their hospital bills, dustbin children, rape, acid victims etc...

What do you guys think? Would some of you be interested? Or should I go and sit down with my idea and concentrate on my blogging? :-). It's just a suggestion, let me know what you think...


  1. Linda for President! Sounds like a good idea, if anyone can do it, you can...

  2. OMG!!!! I just feel in love with you...AGAIN!!! I love the idea....fantastic, to say the least.! I'm in!

  3. Philantrophy or charity is always a welcome initiative because it better's the life of humanity. However, some NGO proprietors have taken advantage of people's fund to line there own individual pockets. Methinks it's a good idea especially coming from a person like you. We will be interested if the NGO will regularly publish its audited accounts in our national dailies. You can contact me when more details become clearer. My twitter handle >> @awolam

  4. I honestly feel you should stick to what you are doing. This charity stuff in this country has been over rated and you will be putting yourself up for some wahala soon. Money matters are serious issues especially when you are getting them from total strangers. You are doing a great job by putting out these informations out there and that is enough charity work. I know for sure that you majorly broke the rape case in Abia and some media houses quoted you on that and gave you the credit. Putting a spotlight on an issue like that as far as im concerned is great work. Please i beg you stay away from this idea. Don't ask people to donate cos i have seen what damage that can do. You can use your own funds and do it the way you want it. PLEASE STAY WITH BRINGING THE HOT GIST DONT SPOIL YOUR REPUTATION BY GETTING INTO THIS. I only read this blog cos i think you are an honest person.

  5. Great idea. I can help as much as I can. It's a nice idea. Go ahead. @Elexharry

  6. Hey I would be. If you would be interested in incorporating some Sickle cell anaemia help and for women from domestic abuse/ sexual abuse. Very very interested. Like, in everything, the raising money, donations, campaigns etc

  7. great idea!
    i have donated to various causes through learning about them on your blog.

  8. Linda,linda...u wan dey use format of ow u go dey scam us abi?we sef don soji wella joo.abeg go siddon one place.from blogger to forming an NGO organisation.oo gbayii jare.

  9. "dustbin children" ?? Linda hun, they r called under-priviledged kids. Great idea tho.

  10. park well joor!!!! na who u wan initiate? biatch dont do it....amebo!!!!

  11. Would be good i would be intrested.I come to ur blog everyday but never comment just very good read and daily dose of whats popping. Based in the UK nothing really goes on around here :)

  12. Good idea. Which one be dustbin children???

  13. Shouldn't it be Linda Ikeji'S Blog Initiative?

  14. Absolutely fantastic Linda, I support you 1000% times. We can make a difference even with the little we have.

  15. Its an awesome idea love. I am no where where I can offer services but I can offer money. I am definitely open to this. Great thots Linda. The journey of a 1000miles begins with one tiny step. May God direct you...

  16. Linda,
    Go for it. I agree with your incentive 100 percent!

  17. Sounds like a 'Ponzi Scheme' to me

  18. such a good idea! i think that be awesome Linda

  19. its a nice idea but does it have to bear your name?
    why not support or adopt an existing charity and i am sure you will still achieve the same result
    you have not run a charity before neither are you making it a full time job and i certainly don't think you are planning to employ full time or part time staffs
    just my 2 cents o

  20. Linda this is a great idea, I believe that you have a tool to impact lives. So go ahead and set up the plan. But one issue is, you must be sincere and avoid politicizing it, you know soon those politicians will start "collaborating" with you and your readers will view you with distrust. Do it for the good of the community. The challenge is being focused on the good cause.I love you Linda!
    Mr Admirer

  21. This is obviously a very good idea. i think everyone with a heart needs to be part of it either by supporting with words or with other things they can afford to donate. I have always wanted to do this also. When u give people in needy, there is always a good feeling that u have helped the next person. i would like to be part of this but i want to be anonymous. I want to give with my right hand in such a way that my left hand does not know what my right hand has given. Just keep us that are interested posted and we will make donations not only cash wise but other things like NEW clothes or New devices. God bless this idea and i pray that the good Lord will reward each and everyone who has offered to help the less privileged.

  22. its sounds good... as long as you know u did be diligent and ready to follow through with it

  23. Linda wants 2 chop money...LWKMD...*Jokin*...its a rily gud idea...I wuld luv 2 get involved myself

  24. linda i love this, nothing better than giving back to the community. I'm very interested and will like to know if people outside nigeria like me can also be a part of this?i would also like more detailed info. on the charities(e.g name,purpose of charity,location etc) to ensure the money is going to the right hands.
    And also linda, most importantly I feel it is very imp.that we not only give them money but also equip them with world of God(e.g obtaining materials like Rhapsody of realities to distribute etc)as I for a fact know that knowledge of the Word of God is most important and will surely bring a transformation in the lives of the needy not just donated cash. I am 100% willing to be a strong sponsor of this,God bless you Linda

  25. Any idea that involves giving something back to our community, helping the less privileged ones among us, putting a smile on the face of someone who, otherwise, may have no cause to smile, or generally adding some value to improve life and living particularly in a society like ours where the distribution of wealth and access to wealth is lopsided and restricted is a noble one. Count me in.

  26. Nice one Linda. Often times you post stories that make people want to reach out to help but have no means so this should be a good avenue.

    Atleast coming from you, we can trust our resources are used for good causes...abi?
    Be sure to include the readers outside naija too. Sure everyone's contributions can go along way.

  27. Please do.I accept your proposal.

  28. Very good idea linda. Very good!
    You know one good thing? When you do actually start, and others (not just LIB readers) see what the NGO is doing, they will contribute to it as well.
    Every great idea start like this.....

  29. We support it Linda. And everyone can always contribute to what the feel is right.
    Every little kobo counts.

  30. Very good initiative Linda, and i know there are plenty readers here that will do it from the debt of their heart.

    And i am always ready to support what i believe in.
    Go on linda.

  31. Good idea. But remember to stand on what you believe. Because you might get some hate answers.
    This place rocks!

  32. Sure Linda,we are solidly behind you..just say the word and we will be there!We can also all join hands to act as a pressure group to press for social causes like terribly bad roads in our areas,non-performing LG chairmen,obvoius cases of public embezzelments etc.Change starts from all of us individually getting off our butts and forcing a change..think Egypt,Libya,the way we stood up for the rape case etc

  33. Very Good idea.

  34. I think it's a great idea, even if it's bringing other ongoing campaigns/orphanages/charity homes or NGOs for those interested to support.

  35. sure, its a beautiful idea and would gladly be a part of it when the time comes.

  36. great idea a lot of people are out there with shelter,food,with out hope so my dear go ahead it is achievable

  37. Linda,I think this is a very good idea,we pray there will be people on this blog who will share same views n have same heart like you do.
    I like the LIB Initiative,I'm In!

  38. Linda im in with you on this initiative...Draw out the modalities and i will gladly associate

  39. sure, its a beautiful idea and will gladly be a part of it when the time comes.

    Anita isedeh

  40. Its a good idea but since its a group thing the NGO will not bear Linda Ikeji.Anyway you can still touch lives without an NGO.

  41. Its a very wonderful idea.its always good to be part of life changing activities.i would be happy to be a part of it in anyway that i can....
    but na wa o how come der r just few comments here? if it ws one hot juicy topic, der wld have been like 111 it involves giving...people don run.
    well lemme give them an excuse that they are still asleep sha.they will soon come around.good job Linda..
    i hope it works out as u have visualised it.

  42. Linda I think it's a step in the right direction. People who want to could donate an amount, whatever they can afford, every month (not sure how this could work for people abroad, maybe set up an account?) and the money goes towards those worthy causes. I think we should also be thinking along the lines of 'teaching people how to fish and not just giving them fish'. Well done dear, little by little we can make a difference. Count me in.

  43. It's a noble idea and I'm in for anything with a good report...

    So, when do we kick off??

    You are a beautiful girl L, in & out xx

  44. You are now threading on a part have bn waiting for...Truly it's time to give back to the less privilege ones. Gud idea Linda

  45. Great idea. I think transparency is very important - you need to inform the readers perhaps on a monthly basis how much was raised and what the money was used for. Also include pictures on your blog as proof e.g pictures of provisions bought for orphanages and you presenting them on behalf of the readers. I think its also important to be realistic, you can't save the world so pick one project yjnnn a month and then move on to the next one. I'll definately send some donation for causes I'm interested in being a part of. Love you Linda - you're a pride to our generation.

  46. Obviously its a nice idea and sincerely,i hope to be part of the initative.lovely idea

  47. Kudos Linda. I'm all for it. Let's touch lives in our own little ways.

  48. Am down with it,just open an account and we take it from there.

  49. Great idea,I'm all up for helping others no matter how little

  50. Linda i must confess it's a lofty idea,@ least u r finkin of a way 2 give back 2 d society dat as sumhow gotten ur back.U go gurl,dnt worry we've got ur back....

  51. I think it's a very good idea. Why not? Huge venture. May God Almighty bestow upon you a true heart and may you be led by the holy spirit cos some of those NGO's are just thieves with no conciensce.

  52. Why not do something more on the lines doing regular meet ups with your readers to discuss ways in which we all think we can effect a positive change in nigeria and help each other achieve that.


  53. Linda I think it's a very good idea and am in support of it atleast to help the needy an less privelaged people.

  54. that is a good idea linda,i will like to be part of it

  55. Real laudable idea Linda. I have always thought you should think along those lines considering the kind of follwership you have. My humble suggestion is that the initiative be narrowed down to a maximum of 2 causes ie if you want to take on sick ppl who cant afford to pay their bills and motherless children. or rape victims and acid victims or old people and motherless babies etc. This way it would be easier to manage and to give whole attention to. If we try to do everything that needs to be done, we could end up doing a wishy-washy job of it (bear in mind that it will be LIB readers' contribution that will finance this project, at least at the beginning so doing everything at once will mean taxing people a lot more)

    I guess you know by my post that i am ALL for the idea!!! So let me know when we start!

  56. I'm interested. Please don't sit down when so many people could benefit from such a wonderful idea,so keep standing Linda. Lol. Love you pieces.

  57. great idea... this should make a difference(but can i be your financial adviser - wink wink) Jus kidding
    so i am interested.

  58. Linda, it is a good idea and i am willing to be part of it.
    However, i will advice you pick one of the the causes you have noted and stick to it.
    We can't all the problems of the world but if we pick one and tackle it to fruition,our souls will be better satisfied.
    I would suggest that 'sponsoring hospital treatments for those that can't afford it' cause.
    It's impact is immediate and the modalities are a bit more straight forward.
    Pls don't let this dream die.

  59. i think its a good idea, but first, u should try and figure out the modalities, so that those interested will know what they're getting into, thats my own opinion.

  60. I'm interested. Please don't sit down when many people could benefit from this wonderful initiative,so Linda,keep standing. Lol.

  61. I think its a lovely initiative, though in my opinion, i think u should sort out the modalities first, so that those interested will know exactly what they're getting into and how they'll go about it. Keep up the good works anyways.

  62. quoted D'banj
    I can feel your drive when you stand against God's principles on Tithing and Offerings that will go for thesame idea you are breast feeding now.
    In this regards, I thank God for this post as it sound like a shadow of the past.
    though it is not compulsory becuase it is a choice as God directed it in His commandment which you stand against due to the way you see pastors lives on them.

    N B:Not that i am a pastor by sharing this opinion but just to reflect back on the subject matter and i am also your blog daily reader.
    God bless.

  63. Linda it is a noble idea and i share in it.You can also partner some of such foundation and we can do with celebrities like you contributing to make the society a much better place. You can also check our foundation United for kids foundation website or on facebook. There is a lot to do out there. God bless your heart Linda.

  64. I think it is a good ideas and I will definately be interested. Sometimes we forget how fortunate we are, so an opportunity to give back to the less fortunate will bring more meaning to life. Good idea....Love your blog always on it but have never left a comment, and you keep it real one less fake chick in Lagos :)

  65. There are so many chartities doing great things, instead of starting your own, aka Nigerian Mentality why dont u contribute to others, time , money books, cash etc!

  66. Its a good idea and I want to be part of it.

  67. Linda, i usually dont comment on ur blog. I just read, enjoy myself and have fun. But with this charity thing, i must say something. The idea of starting a charity stuff is sooo sooo fantastic. Touching people's lives positively is one of the best thing that can happen to anybody. Everybody like to be shown love. So i encourage you to PUSH this. Please pencil my name down as one of your members. YES WE CAN! When are we having our first meeting to talk abt how to start? We need to hit the ground running. People need our support! We dont need one million people to jump start this, we only need some passionate people that hate seeing things from the normal, conventional way.

  68. Good idea...any idea that will make a difference should be supported....

  69. Linda please i will beg you to take this up. There is so much much suffering in Nigeria and people tend to turn a blind eye. I love to do charity work and i will surely support you.

  70. pls use ur own money.and do the way u like.bringing in the public wld bring u a huge accountability responsibilities.

  71. I think its a good idea. dont think every1 needs to be interested before it kicks off, you can start something with as little as 5 people. good thinking

  72. Hey Linda,

    This is a great idea. I thought about it too, but didn't really know how to go about it... Now, that you have brought it up, I will gladly join your team... You are right, we can make a difference!

    N/B: I just started reading your blog yesterday, so go figure...

  73. I had wondered when you would come up with an idea like that instead of just being an amebo... which has helped sometimes though i must say , I mean even Segun Adeniyi now knows who you are and quotes you in 'This day' news articles!!

  74. You have my support jare,
    Charity begins at home

  75. Yes we can do it cus i believe in you @linda

  76. Yes we can do it cus i believe in you @linda .

  77. dis sound gud buh let c hw it goes for me its a yes

  78. I think it is an amazing idea. I am very interested in this. Hope this idea does not go to waste. A lot of people could benefit from this.

  79. Linda, its a wellcome development, let us share in our brothers and sisters problem. I knw, most of us on this blog can do more than that even, if we can feel what our less privilegded brothers and sisters are going true out there on the streets, hospitals, orphanage homes, we wil all see this idea as nothing but a cry for help. Plz, lets come together and be the voice for the voiceless!

  80. Sounds great! However it may be more complex than it sounds. Too many readers are anonymous (except when it comes to winning Nokia phones)and I personally just feel that in the long run it may create some probs. I.e. people will start asking you to explain expenditure to the last kobo, it may result in aspersions being cast on your name as chopping part/all of the money etc. People might say it's an excellent idea but when it's time to drop the dough,na anoda matter entirely!

    Pls I'm not trying to deter it being done, I'm just looking at it from all angles. Personally, I'll say it'll be better to do it with other bloggers rather than throw to the open air, you want to know the people that you are liaising with in matters of money. Just my two cents, all the best!

  81. the idea make a whole lot of sense and will benefit a lot of people if it is fully embarked upon

  82. Not a bad idea at all. Absolutely in support, and would participate actively.

  83. Good idea. Go for it. I think your first project should be raising money to help that poor 3 month old baby whose hand was amputated by his stepbrother.

  84. i think it is a god ideaa. With the traffic rate on your blog, while making money, you should use it as a social responsibility advantage...Please go on with your idea.

  85. Good Idea Linda. I volunteer to help with the official registration with Corporate Affairs

  86. A brilliate idea,'ll luv to b a part of it.

  87. Linda dear, what does it matter what some unseen faces behind a computer think? You live right there in Nigeria, you know what the needs are in your community, you have an idea to help alleviate the issue, you have the resources, name recognition and contact, do what you feel needs to be done. I mean, this is a no brainer, do you really NEED us to cosign on it?

    The only thing I would ask you is, what are you going to do different from the other 50 NGOs in Nigeria? Every actress has one, every actor has one, every society lady has one...what is going to make people turn up and out to support your particular NGO? That is the question you to ask yourself. You need a plan, a course of action and REAL people to support it, I mean people who live for humanitarian work not for being seen as saint, people who will roll up their sleeves and work with you to make it a success.


  88. I think its a great idea. Why not? you can only try and see how it goes.

  89. Linda bliv me its a gud one but prblm is am nt 2 bouyant rite nw 2 suppot u anyhw i knw sm gud ppl wil suface 2 suppot,...E don reach mony yarn nw no body wan comment..chai! ppl self..lets just hp u guyz r qwaking ur brains o!

  90. Kinda good idea, just build on it and am ready to be a donor

  91. go and sit down. Use your personal money. You r looking for means to hammer ennnhhh...

  92. Noble idea, giving back to society is the best thing anyone can do. Once the idea sails through, you might need to have a board of trustees made up of respected individuals to ensure such a cause gets the attention it deserves. BIG UP!!

  93. Oh yes its a good idea, am in....

  94. gbo gbo bigz girlz19 October 2011 at 14:24

    am cool with it LInda...thumbs up girl

  95. Nice idea, giving back to the society.

  96. Nice idea, giving back to the society.

  97. very good idea, hope people will take it seriously.

    anyway...i'm in.

  98. Hi Linda, This is my first post on your blog site. Its a good idea. You have my support.

  99. I am Very Very Interested!

  100. You need accountability for it to work well. When funds are involved, it needs to be transparent and you may need to bring people on board who you trust.
    It's not as easy as it sounds. These days, people look at NGOs/Initiatives as some form of a scam/money laundering exercise.

  101. Linda,
    I am interested.I'll send you a mail later...



  103. It's a great idea. Count me in. Go Linda!

  104. its a very intelligent idea though people have been doing it,there is nothing new.

  105. i think its a wonderful idea and will definitely go a long way in touching the lives of people but i also advise careful planning in order to ensure the smooth progress and continuation of the project. Weldone for even "thinking" of such a great idea and also "sharing" it with your readers...nice one.

  106. Where are all the good samaritans today.....if it was say a story on a celeb's clothing or car or sex this space wuld be full....shame on y'all!!!!

    Linda follow you heart!!!!!

  107. Such a good idea linda. We are with you on this.


  109. Am down with that,you gotta open an account and we take it from there

  110. It's a very good idea, i think you should go ahead with it.

  111. I like the idea Linda, however accountability bedevils charitable causes especially one lead by a Nigerian who are rightly or wrongly labelled corruptible.
    I will pass.
    If on the other hand, you highlight/champion a situation that involves paying directly to a service provider, I might consider.

  112. Hehehehehe!!! so na only one person don comment since morning? na only to dey gossip,criticize and condemn una sabi do.i'm sure if it were to be a silly gossip about one celebrity or the other, we would have had like 50 comments but now that linda is talking about improving peoples lives,nobody appears to be interested.SMH for all of you.. i think the problem with Nigeria is not that the leaders are corrupt, or that the roads are bad or that the academic standard is low, i think our major problem is that WE DO NOT LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!!.Linda,u better do ur thing alone if u r soo bent on doing it or just forget it 2cents!!!

  113. it sounds like a good idea and i am sure no matter how few you will get support . you got my support on this one, i would love to be a part of it.
    great idea, dont let anyone tell u otherwise.

  114. yes o. sounds gud

  115. I'm in!

    also pls kindly use this platform to re-connet old friends
    pretty please!!!!
    when I saw my boss on lindaikeji.blogspot I simply couldnt pick my jaw from the floor
    thats some serious reach you have there
    I have loads of primary school friends to re-connect with



  117. i am so interested in amount is too small.

  118. I think its a good idea. we can all do our bit to help. but would it would also be good to let your reader have an account of how every penny is spent.

  119. its a welcome development.I will embrace any opportunity to put smiles on the faces of others.

  120. 100 percent interested...lets do it,little drops makes a am interested o.

  121. Definitely an ACE idea.Its in line with giving back,as GOD has surely blessed you and will continue to as you pay it forward.

    Am in,whenever it kicks down.Consider it sure that i'll be willing to play a role somewhat.

    You can and will also garner the neccessary support and hype with your BLOG.
    Lets just hope people dont renege come time.
    Put it up people(Hands).

  122. Well, emm as you can see..bcos it is money issue, comments are not coming in as usual. Anyway its a good idea, nice initiate for that matter. Though when it comes to 'money matter', somebody like me shldnt be least for now. Pls if it is possible to 'execute' such a wonderful initiative(not necessarily frm ur blog readers alone), maybe something like an NGO dt picks a particular issue to handle, then source 4 the money frm sponsors. In my own opinion oh, if possible going by your level of influence(maybe you may not count it as important, but you have influenced and touched lives indirectly...), of course you shld definitely be able to get sponsors. I believe in you(coz you can do it)...Kudos frm urs truly(I've been reading dis blog say 4 like 5yrs now and still counting...), keep up the good work ma'am. God bless you

  123. I think it's a fabulous idea, but I wanna be the UK chairman if I can get a minimum of £100,000 a year as commission - for my co consultancy services.

    What say you, Linda? Deal or no deal?

  124. Agreed, Thats a laudable project. Can it also address access to medicare that is too expensive for the poor and or sponsor of a hospital, say specialist services for children to ensure they operate in the rural areas.

  125. Nice idea, will be interested.Lets know wen it will start.

  126. linda, may God bless you and your interested all day. i think it will be better if we focus on the less priviledge not only charity cos most of the charity home use their own as bussiness they dont take good care of the poor children..i love you so much linda :)

  127. Sounds good...It is a good cause...

  128. beautiful idea... everybody should be involved nothing is too small.GODS Grace is all we need

  129. Good idea Linda, your contact with information and happenings around our world every day has shown you clearly that we have a world full of people who live their lives daily in helpless hopelessness. So many die needlessly in a world where so many have so much and do not even know what to do what all they have amassed. People please let’s all support the LIB Initiative... a pence, a cent, a rupee, a kobo can make a difference. Let’s join hands with together to put a smile on a face in need of that little curve that can change situations.....Reader from London, UK.

  130. I love your idea..but some of us don't live I nija? What do we do


    watch peeps

  132. ds one una no one post, abi una no like d initiative? Wel as 4me i luv d idea, so far corruption will nt b allowed into d system in d longrun.

  133. what happened to all the regular ppl here? the likes of ajala travel, alice and co? no it comes to doing something really good and u guys are no where to be found abi. if it was something else u'll be running ur mouth and keypad up and down. shame on you guys.
    linda, pls go ahead, i support this cause and its a good idea. God bless the works of ur hands

  134. Celestina said, sis linda the idea u brought up is interesting. it can also bring hope to less priviledge.

  135. Very good idea. Count us (me) in.

  136. its a very good idea.i am ready to support,pls go ahead and may God be with you

  137. I do like that idea Linda, just make sure that you have all the necessary people in place. You can not do this on your own. ACCOUNTABILITY is the word especially where money is concerned, you have to make sure all the i's are in place. With a non profit you have to go through the proper channels to avoid any problem. I always knew you had something NGO in mind. Goodluck.

  138. great idea! lets know where to start...

  139. Nice one Linda, this is the first time im commenting on ur blog though i read the blog everyday. If no one support u, I will. email the info @
    I love ur idea.

  140. I feel de energy but how is it gonna woke

  141. That's a very good idea........Nice of you.We are strongly behind you. We can definitely make a difference.

  142. This is great thinking. We could do it!!! Giving nourishes the soul!

  143. I would be interested go Linda start the initiative!

  144. im on for it
    but how will it work?

  145. Chijioke Ezenwaka20 October 2011 at 00:13

    Its a gr8 idea and I trust you will be honest with it and not join the bunch of NGO's exploiting the cause of the less priviledged

  146. They hear '' donationation'' no body want to comment. Smh

  147. go right on ahead..............i just dont see your readers shelving out their money to you even tho its 4 a good harm in trying.

  148. Its a great idea linda

  149. This is a really nice idea, but you have to know you cant start an NGO based on Blogging and some random online cash donations, you have to have set up an office and obtain all necessary forms to carry on before doing this... We really support you on this... thumbs Up.

  150. This is a chance to serve with a little bit more than just mouth and criticism. Sign me up.
    There's a lot we can do individually and collectively to create the haeven we often crave.

  151. When we want to donate as a group to charities, some LIB readers will come with us, and those who can't will just make a donation (we will figure out the modalities later).car movers in chandigarh

  152. Ayotunde Ajiboye20 October 2011 at 07:44

    I think this is a good idea and wouldnt mind being a part of this. "Mr Ideal Nigeria"

  153. proud of u Brown Heart Ambassador keep doing the great job u r doing have also made u an admin on the group in case u want to send life-saving messages

  154. Its a good idea,and if properly implemented will have a ripple effect,however you do not sound so serious about it,if you really are,you should be more convincing to your readers,instead of the off hand manner,which may only mean it is up to them,the onus is in you convincing them to join,I am willing to be part of this and i hope subsequent write ups on this will give some clues on how you intend to proceed,and also if the NGO has been registered.

  155. concept already on my mind but never new how to put that down,may God see you through this one.. best of ideas..we support you...LIB FOR LIFE...

  156. Lyn, every time you mention Sex or death there's like 200 comments... now that you mention giving or caring for ones neighbor there's how many comments?... Lol

    Is it that nobody TRUSTs anybody or that WE're all selfish these days?

    I'm hoping there are tons of comments but you haven't approved them yet that's why their not showing

  157. Yea its a good idea...

  158. Linda, urblog is really dulling nowadays! No frequent posts etc
    Hope youre okay though ?

  159. i like the idea...just let us know as u firm up the plan/idea!

  160. its a great initiative, we need every help we can get

  161. it a great idea, i believe we can create the Nigeria of our dreams.

  162. positive vote 4rm me. nice idea girl,with this alot of lives will be touched. The Lord is ur strength.

  163. Linda, this is a great idea but I would like to share my opinion here. I belong to Saint Vincent De Paul Society which is a worldwide catholic organization which does the same thing you want to do. The major problem you are going to have here is money issues,when money is involed it brings a lot of troubles,people start asking you what you have done with the cash they donated,they would feel you arent doing enough or you are embezzling and all sorts, then move to the issue of favouritism,that you are taking up cases of your personal people and all that,its just crazy the way people behave and act when money is involved. I know all the difficulties we face in my society from other parishoners who donate bulk of the cash we use in the church,even from your fellow workers and how people get frustrated and walk away from the society,just be sure you would be able to withstand all the critics sha because bulk of it would come from people that are donating.

  164. good idea so far there is good accountability of how money is spent

  165. If it were not for the many Naija fraudsters, the idea was great,but who knows?

  166. Call me then, I'l be part of it all.

  167. Are my eyes playing tricks on me?Or im I really seeing just 1 comment here?anyway,im down with ur idea linda.There's nothing as good as giving back in your own little way.U have the platform and we should'nt be here just to laugh at beyonce's 3d bump...

  168. not bad at all,will like to be part of it keep it up.....

  169. This is a good idea, we will like to be updated on this.

  170. would like to be part of this...if only our leaders can think like this,Nigerians should not live below one dollar per day.

  171. Linda, you have just convinced me that you have not been blogging for money or pleasure's sake. What you are suggesting is probably the best you can come up with, i think is part of why you are here on the planet earth. You will loose my respect if you jettison this idea for anything at all.

  172. Sounds good Lin dear, I feel I can trust you with my hard earned money. I will be happy to western union the money to you. As long as you promise to actually physically see the people to verify their story - Great idea!! God bless you and give you the grace to follow through.

  173. Hi Linda,this is actually great, and am quite impressed...I will like to be part of the NGO..will like to support in my own little way..cheers

  174. L, I'v noticed my comments don't get uploaded and I don't know where the problem lies cos I always get to read the yellow flag after clicking on the 'publish your comment'??
    I should be angry cos I don't like this trend at all...

    Anyways, commented since 18th how I wish to be a part of this as it is a noble concept... And I pray it sees the light of day.

  175. linda y did'nt u post my comment about ur initiative?

  176. Believe in your idea and God will be with you.Only Him can make it happen and grow!Peace&Love.

    Black pearl.

  177. Linda....i did comment before, where did the thing go? Anyway, i think creating an organisation that is like a vocational school/entrepreneurial school where people learn skills (vocational and business), and are set-up who then later payback to the organisation (kind of like the way student loans are in America). Instead of it being an NGO it would be more like a self-sufficient organisation which i think is more of what we fish isn't that great but teaching how to fish and giving them bait to go fishing after they learnt to is priceless. TO THE ANONYMOUS WEY DEY FIND PALAVER, YOU GO GET AM....SOON.
    Ps: linda paste my comment oh!


  178. Good idea but i doubt that it would work - it would be a logistical nightmare if u kept it open to your bloggers and like 'chick' sed, accountability would be a problem.

  179. This is a brilliant idea.

    Linda, I'm falling in love with you every single day. Keep working hard.

  180. Linda, i am sincerely in support of this and would like to take a part in it in snyway that i can. Weldone girlfriend! I want to remain annonymous but keep us posted. Once you start i would show up.

  181. Great idea girl, you are too much!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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