It's not just plastic surgery, Cher's got good genes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 20 November 2010

It's not just plastic surgery, Cher's got good genes

Family affair: The industry veteran was joined by Chaz Bono and her mother Georgia Holt
Cher and her 83 year old mother, Georgia Holt.
Now tell me that's plastic surgery alone...


  1. I think so too it not about plastic surgery, just take a look at her mum @ 83 years. Giveeee up for Cher

  2. Like as if her mum hasn't had work done too. But to be honest cher is a knock-out for a 64 year-old and her mum looks nice

  3. my grand mum looks better at 87.

  4. We all so quick to put it on plastic surgery. Take good care of yourself and see if you wont age well too. There are many women out there doing just that.

  5. yes it is. You should see her only daughter. I bet the mom has had plastic surgery too. Who knows.....

  6. even with surgery
    they both are kawt

  7. Linda, oftentimes when people read your blog and yap you I often feel sorry with regards to certain comments. This time you need to listen to comments and google Cher on your computer and understand why people are making ref to all the plastic surgery Cher has had.

    Look at the size of her arms in proportion to the rest of her body. Sure, looking at her mom she may have inherited good genes, but she has done a helluva lot of work on her body. Her torso and legs may be hot but she is living proof that plastic surgery DOES NOT make everyone beautiful.

  8. lol. This your post seems like an attack to people's response to your previous post. Cher will be the first one to tell you she has an awesome plastic surgeon. Money can get you anything my dear. It is not just good genes, because cher's mother has had plastic surgery too.
    Even Halley Berry has had plastic surgery. No big deal.

  9. my mother looks better at 98!

  10. Major surgery both. Fake hair. Come on. Good genes aren't miracles. Chet's mom looks great like 65. Cher looks creepy. I liked young nubile shnoz Cher. Just me


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