Rukkies Boutique + Question & Quote | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday, 5 March 2009

Rukkies Boutique + Question & Quote

Clothes from Rukkies Boutique
Ronke has given me more clothes than I know what to do with them...check out clothes from her boutique.

Rukkies Boutiques
Shop C50, Ikota Shopping Complex Lekki
86, Bode Thomas Surulere
29, Opebi Road, Ikeja Lagos

Question of the day
Is it unfair for men to be forced to financially support children they did not agree to have? Like a man wants his girlfriend to have an abortion, if she refuses and has the baby, is the man under any obligation to support the child?
What do you guys think?

Quote of the day
Bite off more than you can chew...then chew it.
I wrote this on my facebook status and some people got real confused ;)
Can anyone interprete the real meaning of this quote?

Photo of the day
Mrs Nigeria 2008.

Her name is Cynthia Nwachukwu. On June 2008, she went to Kalinlingrad Russia as a delegate to represent Nigerian married women in the Mrs World beauty pageant 2008. She was encouraged by beautiful ex- queen Robina Ehana. Cynthia is married with four beautiful children. Cynthia is so excited and grateful for the loving support of her husband. she wishes to share her beautiful pictures and encourage married Nigerian women to be very proud of themselves and to help build a stronger family for Nigeria and the World. Contact her via


  1. Nice clothes...I think it simply means that if u take more than you can handle or deal with, rather than avoid the situation or try to blame someone else or make excuses, deal with it, and handle it.

    Like the case of a girl refusing to go thru with an abortion; they both made a conscious decision to do the "do", dnt abandon both child and mother becos she refused to have an abortion.

    I personally believe that's irresponsible on the man's part. Any human being with an atom of human characteristics shd use his church mind, and good home upbringing to do well and BE RESPONSIBLE.

    I enjoy ur blog Linda, Kudos!!!

  2. hi linda i always really enjoy reading ur blog nd as for the quote i think it's " take off all the problems u got nd get rid of dem wit all proudness"
    check out my blog plz it's

    it's in spanish nd english hop u try undastand d spanish side safe!

  3. Helloooooooooo,the ONLY way u DISAGREE to have a child is by zipping up!!!!
    once u zip down,its can no longer be called "disagreed"
    i totally believe that the decision to carry a child is 95% the mother's!!!!
    all dis yeye men self,i don tire

  4. how dare he tell her to have an abortion every baby has a right to life...he must be deluded...she had better have the baby and he better provide for the baby..what impetus???

  5. Here's my thing with the whole abortion thing, if you insist on having a baby without the father's consent then you must be ready to support the child without the father.
    If a man asked me to abort a baby and I choose to keep it, then well....I don't expect him to support my child in any way, and if twenty years down the line he comes looking for the kid and ends up in the hospital....when he gets out perhaps he'll remember that he paid his debt to society as a sperm donor.

  6. @! I feel u jare. However, any body wey 'do' must know say the direct consequence na pikin and be ready to take care of the baby-both male and female 'doers'. We like to take a pill and have someone else deal with the side effects. E easy for man to 'do' and get away with the effect so for all these ladies that keep geeting into trouble...
    1. According to my bible 'Abstinence' na the key to avoid all dis wahala or
    2. If # 1. above too hard (bodi no b, better invest in a good u know what and pleasure thyself!

  7. To your question. If a guy is absolutely not ready to have a child, use a condom even if she's using BC.

    If she is pregnant, and you didn't use a condom, how dare you have a mouth to say what she can do to her body. it took 2 to tango and flex while making the baby, therefore it should take two to raise the child.

  8. 1. Why are Rukkies' models pouting like that? They look so stupid doing so! lolll

    2. Mrs. Nigeria??? Blond synthetic weave? Excess makeup? Okay!

  9. Fashion Critic. How can you write a silly comment about this beautiful woman. I think you are a negative. sad person. She is amazing!!

  10. Wow!!!. She has four children and still looking like a sweet sixteen. I admire your courage girl. Up you go!!!.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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